Alexander Riccio

If apple invented video calling, al gore invented the internet.

It cant replace my pocket cam. How could it without an sd card?

@Nitemancometh: Put some grenades in those hands. that would be perfect

Mind Blown.

What about facebook notifications when you you in using your facebook account?

@Nano-Byte: yes but this is google. if somebody wants to hack them, they will write a totally new piece of malware, its not like google is going to have a conficker problem.

Why is OSX more secure than windows? like honestly.

@jeremiah89: EG: my work comp has a quota of ~200 MB



anybody have a script to do this?

What about my beloved Jolt gum?

ewww.... XP

I liked vista. Why is there no option for that?

@Meetloaf13: It seems like personal pages are working fine though...