Now playing

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Barstool Blues

On the bright side, he may have stumbled onto a life hack to make a Papa John’s pie almost edible.

No audio, but I did get my hands on the transcript of Alabama’s call of the final play:

+1 freaky contact lens

Now playing

It looks like your link is blocked in the U.S. Is this what you were sharing (Blue Monday, Extended Mix)?

+2 Manson Lamps

“Only two?”

Stop trying to Antigonize us with your mythological references!

Yes, enough with unnecessary redundancy!

I really do wish him well, but I’m afraid it might be a case of Manny being old man-y.

Can’t we just frigate about it already?

Just sit right back and you’ll hear some takes,

Now playing

Yes, Stay Glued to Your TV Set you Television Addicts.

Eh, WADA ya gonna do?

I think I’m ready for the NFL offseason

 “and they’re called teachings”