
Since this guy was arrested two weeks ago and this is the first we’re hearing about it, I’d say the dude responsible for posting bond and otherwise keeping criminal students and employees out of the slam is putting in a heroic effort. Hell, they’ve even named the university after him.

Most offensive thing about that Shz<whatever> post is that he obviously stole that poem from e e cummings.

My pleasure. Regardless of what they say, writing about music isn’t always as futile as dancing about architecture.

One of the songs that reminds of this passage from HST, many years ago

I hate to be a downer, but take a look at the 2018 Senate map. Dem incumbents in Florida, Missouri, Montana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Dakota and West Virginia. Unless Trump personally grabs the pussy of every female voter in every one of those states it seems more likely for the Rs to get a

Garbage human and Ralph Steadman illustration come to life.

Now playing

Too bad the Archie/Reggie rivalry broke up the band — what could have been. Also, for anybody who says bubblegum is the antithesis soul:

Now playing

The gravity of the situation came on us like a bit of new knowledge...

Welcome from another recent refugee. Let me know if you learn the secret handshake to get out of the grays.

Clock: “5... 4... 3...”

If you take another look at these pictures, you’ll realize that you’ve buried the lede: Mitch McConnell has a waaaaaayyyyyy more punchable face than Ted Cruz.

Could be. And thanks to your comment I realized I missed an opportunity to make the post more pointed: I should have given everybody a ranking of 1.

I do get it. I was trying to parody the ignorance of fanatical Trumpsters, but maybe missed the mark.