
Yeah, I was lumping them all in as Cuckservatives: Cruz, Ryan, Romney, Graham, the Bushes, etc. Basically any Rupublican not servile enough towards Trump.

Many thanks. I figured that this was headed the great unread gray void like the few other things I’ve posted and it just felt good to rant a bit. It was a nice surprise to see it get read and liked by a few generous souls.

Good call. This is one of the reasons that I find Pence even scarier than Trump.

Sure, he has a “path” to victory, if he wins a handful of states he has little chance of winning, slays a dragon, walks across a tightrope while balancing a baseball bat in his tiny palm, and recites the alphabet backwards and in Greek.

Yeah, but that was a tweet so they’ll probably give up after ransacking the cubicles at the Twitter campus and not finding them.

Not even ranked previously, make strong move right to the top. Not sure what it is, but they really don’t seem to like you guys (despite all the help you gave them!). Unclear if Deadspin will be considered “Press” (ED: I hope not, as I’d really miss the Dick Joke Jambaroo)

Now playing

I know this one’s specifically about somebody else in another country, but I’ll be damned if I can think of another song that better sums up my feeling toward our new ruler and our prospects for the next four (please only four) years.

We need to talk, son.

Now playing

Surprisingly, he’s not quite so cool about being on the other end of the shit talk.

Wait, I thought this was a photo of Bayless admitting to playing a joke which involved urinating in Sharpe’s cola.

♫ Peyton’s not a corporate whore* ♪

“I’m gonna have to silence the shit out of this”

Drunk? There are millions of Bud drinkers who are stone sober when they crack their first cold one of the day.