Alexander Peterhans

It was something like "their albums before middle age are good"..

That song is fucking great. I'm not a huge Nick Lowe fan, but I love that song.

I want a "This podcast contains eating on mic" warning. It drives me UP THE FUCKING WALL.

The character of Taco alone should be enough reason for anyone not to watch this show.

The OP mentions In The Flesh.

Cudi does seem to be trying a bit too hard, hopefully that'll wear off with time..?

Yeah, he's also a great guest on talkshows. He really engages with people, which gives you a sense he really wants to be there.

I can't stand Ho-Ho. The shitty voice, the shitty repetitive jokes.. I'm also not a fan of Lapkus' constant giggling at her own jokes.

They're STILL doing that? I stopped listening last year, and they were traipsing around those fucking giants.

Dabney is fantastic.

The Giant Mechanical Spider is good, but even better is the epic story of the Prince documentary.

To me, all of their songs sound pretty much the same. Their songwriting skills seem to be agressively mediocre.

Silver bullets are traditionally for werewolves though, not vampires.

Voted on? What does that mean?

Sorry, but she's a terrible interviewer. Coooonstantly talks about herself.

I really enjoy The Dana Gould Hour, but he did get on my tits during the 'I Shouldn't Laugh' episode - the talk with his friend who was caught in a shooting. I just wanted to hear her story, and he kept interrupting her every 4 or 5 words with some shitty joke.

Ross Kemp is a wellknown ex-soap actor and self-styled 'hard man' in the UK - so yeah, I'd guess the name is fake (and meant as a joke).

I just finished it, and I felt it started to fall apart halfway through, and then the ending was seriously disappointing.

The problem is, Diane's position in LG is very delicate, at the moment - she just asked him to take her back, basically.