Alexander Peterhans

They're kind of a mixed bag, they depend hugely on the guest. The best guests are ofcourse the ones that can barely conceal their resentment for even having had to watch one episode of the series. The first Howard Kremer one is good, and the Aimee Mann one (she reaaally hates the show). The Jimmy Pardo episode is also

A large group of the "guests" tend to sound like Portlandia characters to me. Which sounds more fun than it is.

As many as they can get away with - see also: the latter half of season four.

I love the LG move because of how monolithic and deliciously evil-corporation-y it makes them sound. Will Gardner is really going for fullblown dickwad this season, and I for one applaud him. You blow yourself right up, just leave Diane alone.

I don't know.. I was wondering if Kalinda was turning Robyn away out of self-preservation - she's never been onboard with the '2nd investigator' idea anyway.