
Russian mobsters in brown velour track suits

How terrible it would be to be friends with someone who cares about the representation of women and wants to help get a gauge on a film.

"What's the Biggest Obstacle To Making The Sandman Movie?"

I like the idea that Yondu wasn't totally pissed about it. His smirk said, "Quill, you got one over on me, but this thing is gonna look bitchin' on my dashboard!"

Finally, the antagonist the Deadpool movie deserves.

To be fair, much as I'll take Marvel over DC any day, Marvel isn't faring that much better re: women characters. I'll stop wearing my look of vague disapproval when we either get a woman-led movie announced, or the Jessica Jones series turns out to be the stuff of dreams. (Please let both happen, Marvel — it's not an