It’s such a shame, too. The Alpha Squadron run that Fazekas and Butters were doing was actually really good until CW2 started and totally wrecked Cap Marvel’s personality.
It’s such a shame, too. The Alpha Squadron run that Fazekas and Butters were doing was actually really good until CW2 started and totally wrecked Cap Marvel’s personality.
they literally explain on the show that intentions matter more than results. a good deed done for the wrong reasons doesn’t count.
Mindy’s moment of coke-inspired clarity was a moment of true selflessness, and none of Tahani’s gestures ever were.
Writing was way better, though. I’ll take good writing over good mechanics just about any day of the week.
Why are we on the fourth attempt at doing the Punisher? Dude is a bundle of cliches that were stale TWENTY YEARS AGO, and just seem toxic and boring now.
Lower cost of living usually means less attractive to live in, too, and less of a pre-trained employee pool to draw from, not to mention the lack of existing power and internet infrastructure. Game companies are notorious for treating their workers like dogs as it is; asking them to do that in rural Iowa without…
We got an NES when I was a kid, and games for that cost $50 at Toys R Us. This woulda been in, oh, 1988, 1989 or so. A quick trip to the CPI inflation calculator tells me that video games should cost more than $100 if they’d merely kept up with inflation. This is before you even factor in the massively larger teams…
God in the morning, this article alone is the saddest testimony to what a ruin the Kinja transition has made of the old AV Club Commentariat. This woulda had HUNDREDS of comments under Disqus. Now, there’s nothing, just a lone tumbleweed in the corner, moldering slowly into dust.
This is an interesting use of “no one” to mean “people that I, personally, do not know” that I was heretofore unfamiliar with.
Yes. Because without the FCC, net neutrality would have ended in 2001. Even now, you can contact the FCC comissioners directly to pressure them one way or the other. There’s nothing you can do about the MPAA.
Honestly? The government. Government officials are known and at least theoretically responsive to public opinion; industry owes nothing to anyone but itself. This is the same dynamic that make the MPAA ratings so fraught, especially around issues of sex and sexuality.
I assume it was the counterpart to the electrocution that Cooper gave himself at the end of the last episode. Dark Coop was meant to be decorporealized by the same jolt.
It’s not really that mysterious a line for a 70 year old woman (which: holy cow, Peggy Lipton is 70?!) with no children and an ex she can’t stand.
Thou shalt include more than the minimum necessary number of collectibles to unlock 100%, for we may sometimes miss a collectible we cannot go back for, AND thou shalt then delete the extra collectibles when 100% hath been fully reachéd so that we shalt not be tempted to collect further in pursuit of an empty…
Jorge Luis Borges’ Tlon, Uqbar, Playstation Tertius.
The only thing I remember about the book is Gaiman sneering at Gravity’s Rainbow, which was SUCH an unearned boast that it sort of broke the book for me.
I dunno, it’d be nice to see a little structure so the dang thing actually looks like kirby when you’re wearing it. Maybe a hoop skirt with the mouth at the waist, so it looks like you’re being swallowed?
it’s a very consumerist way to look at what games owe the player. I found the screens effective at building a mood and selling the weight of exploration, so I guess I disagree, but we’re talking about very different aspects of the same issue.
I mean, I guess? But a game is sort of by definition a time waster, the way other works of art are. They’re there to entertain you, sure, but they’re also there to convey a story or a mood, and things like the take off screens are part of establishing that mood. It might not be a successful gesture, but they are…