

Also, vaccines build immune systems. That is 100% the entire point of vaccines. They expose the child to a safe, killed or weakened version of the disease so the child’s immune system can develop a response against it. That is exactly what vaccines do.

There was a similar movement in 19th century America to stamp out midwives in favor of male OB/GYNS.

No, right, we’re on the same page here. I agree!

Well, but even on the BART it’s not everywhere the way it is on the East Coast. I don’t see it very often during my rush hour commute — trying to take up the second seat with your bag is way more common.

Yeah, really. There’s even a whole thing where you have to hook them up! They’re clearly dating by the end of the game.

It’s easily one of her best videos, though. I love Neko Case, but she definitely seems... disinterested? ... in making videos.

Based on or inspired by? Because I’d list, at least, Existenz and Adventure Time as things that got video games more or less right, without either referring to any specific games. There’s a good article on Unwinnable about Existenz:…

Yeah, seriously, way to veer into asshole territory, OP. You had the higher ground!

Yeah. I would maybe also add that the old games have to be playable? That’s the other side of the coin — you can pretty easily compare Steamboat Bill, Jr. and Age of Ultron because you can still watch both of them. It’s hard to play older games; reissues are more and more common, but they’re usually tweaked or changed

Do you remember when Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf won People’s online poll for Sexiest Man Alive? Same deal, and just about as meaningful.

Part of the problem there is just how much time is takes to consume a game. If you want to rank 128 movies, for example, you could theoretically watch 4 movies a night for a month and come to them all more or less equally. You can’t meaningfully, thoroughly play 128 games in the same span of time, so everyone just

A moment of silence for those poor unfortunates who hit the irretrievable sweet spot of musical taste right when the Offspring were peaking. There but for the grace of god go we.

I had the same experience with Cave Story — I kept seeing stuff about the game everywhere and I’d never heard of it. Then I played it and it was... it was fine! I mean, it didn’t blow my mind, but so what? Undertale’s the same way — it was fine for me, but I get why people are into it as much as they are.

“P.C.” “this generation” is the OMFG LAGG of online comments.

I’ll vouch for the Yale connection, as least as it comes in the NYT crossword all the time.

Came for this comment; wasn’t disappointed. Would nod in pleased recognition again. 5/10.

They can streamline the stats system as much as they want so long as the writing is good, and the world is thoughtful. Which Betheseda doesn’t have a great track record with — FO3 was great at environmental storytelling and lousy at any other kind — so I’m pretty apprehensive. But, hey! Hopefully this does super well

Yeah, it’s a sliding scale thing — that’s how PP works, at least in Washington. When I got my vasectomy, it was free because I was super poor at the time (albeit with a couple of weeks “thinking time” — they won’t do the procedure right away, I guess to cut down on the drunken impulse vasectomies, which apparently

What? No, that’s crazy. *checks* HOLY MOLYBDENUM IT IS ON MAC