Haha suck on that, Chicago!
Haha suck on that, Chicago!
Because if anybody can handle the subject of police brutality with a sure, delicate master's hand, it's Tyler Perry.
I never appreciated The Miz as a wrestler until I saw him live.
Co-writer, with James Gunn.*
He didn't use the Voice on the Seraphim because the other two angels had JUST TOLD HIM that nobody else knows he's got it. The Seraphim was there to collect the two angels (hence the "Wanted" sign).
It reminded me of the scene in Season 1 of Fargo where a character goes on this massive shooting spree in a building, but all WE see is a camera pan up and around the outside of the building "following" which floors he's on. We still hear everything so the carnage plays out in our heads. Masterful as fuck.
I assumed the "rumors" were about Tyrion holding down the fort overseas.
In before fake ones.
There was a dark elf in Thor 2?
Kevin Smith whines a lot but I think he's right here.
My parents sat me down and put on the animated version of Animal Farm.
I don't get why he didn't just Kickstart the damn thing?
"Again, I’m not Indian, and as a white, heterosexual male, I renounce any claim to truly understanding a lot of the ways unreflective prejudices (as the show maintains the creation of Apu was) are deeply painful to see and hear."
"…and they applied that experience to their eventual careers….Lowder is a wedding DJ who worked at several call centers post-Nintendo."
"Might mitigate the sales rush."
HA. Everyone's out of work by then. Servers will burn.
If that clip is the best clip they had to offer from the show, I'm both glad I never watched it and relieved it's dead.
I'd like to see an intentionally hokey scene where it cuts to a dog's reaction before the dog is fucking brutally hit by a car.
Exactly, and we all know what militant "clean" comics are really like.
Is it just me or does this look like Louie lite?