Alexander Frost

Spotify is lord and savior.

Which you GET these days by getting signed and streamed. Exposure is the money maker.

Boy, this guy sure takes himself seriously, but he does good work.

"This is about the young songwriter who just got his or her first cut and thought that the royalties from that would get them out of debt. "

Also, Sirius was like the culmination of Harry's teenage angst in book 5 and a window for Voldemort to use that anger.

Spotify is love.

Whoa, maaan, liiike, maybe the title "Monsters" is supposed to refer to the HUMAN characters!

Sometimes I like to watch movies just to feel them. You know what I mean?

I bought Dragon Age Inquisition on launch day in November and played it for about five hours before stopping. I didn't go back until March.

"a joke that never pays off, which is itself the payoff."

Cohle is dead either way. If I'm not mistaken I think he said something about finishing up the case and "tying off" his life. I may have misunderstood, but I don't think so.

"I get worried that, after seven episodes of difficult answers and muddled morality, True Detective is headed toward a tidy conclusion in which Marty and Rust get the heroic moment they invented after killing Ledoux. "

It's not a child, it's an alien.

It didn't work that way at all, he's just "that guy" who pretends to find death funny because he's so cool, maaaaan.