Alexander Frost

Did he rape the women he cheated on his wife with?

I forget where I read this, but apparently it's always been known to Disney that kids understand Donald more easily than adults do. As people get older, they understand him less and less.

Agreed, this article just reads like the classic "Well, MY kid…" attitude from white suburban parents who over-complicate trivial matters, like a 4-year-old's palette.

Usually I'm able to handle ambiguous endings, but this one was just obnoxious. -_-

And yet the original teller of that joke is allowed to freely roam the streets of America…

Remember when Guardians of the Galaxy had an amazing soundtrack wherein each song was carefully chosen to perfectly fit a scene from the movie? Remember when said soundtrack sold a bajillion copies?

I don't really know why the reviewer is expecting much more than a deliberately straightforward, expertly told crime yarn by now. I mean, it's Fargo, yah know?

Suicide bomb!

Yeah, they have different stock because each store caters to what the locals buy most.

One time this guy came into the warehouse to do just that. He grabbed Kirkland Vodka, took a tour of the sample stations and waltzed right out the door.

The reason demo stands are spread out is the same reason we move our shit around all the time; we want people to walk the entire store so they end up buying more. It's when there is more than one demo stand within a 10ft radius that things start getting hairy.

You despise GOING to Costco, or the actual company? The actual company is fucking awesome.

Because they're paying for membership, and as our "valued members," they feel ridiculously entitled to everything once those entrance doors slide up.

Trust me, everyone who works at Costco agrees with you. We have to leave for our lunch breaks about 5 minutes early just to account for aisle traffic.

Followed by "hysterical and useless/hysterical and let down…"

Jesus. Is he writing a nursery rhyme or a fucking novel?

No doubt Nevada's most-asked question is due to late night drunken stops into pizza places, where someone inevitably slurs, "Heey like, who even INVENTED pizza?"

"Hopefully he’s planning to do something really fun with the money he gets from this."

But see, most white dudes who grow up poor in those neighborhoods? All they can do is tell their sob stories about how "I was picked on by all the black/Mexican/Puerto Rican kids! They even beat me up just for being white!"

So, basically just Gorillaz.