
"Don't like something about your steam machine? Upgrade it."

I still find it absurd that the Devs mocked all the requests for an AC game set in Feudal Japan, WW2 or ... whatever the third most popular request was (was the last one Ancient Egypt? Rome?) as being "done to death" and then proceeded to make "Pirates Of The Caribbean" the game.

I've got another guaranteed cure.

Highly disagreed, I am a married 35 year old man so I don't really fall into the "horny teen" stereotype, and I quite enjoy DOA5 and consider it a pretty damn good fighting game. The very parrying-centric mechanic is not for everyone, granted, so I can understand that some may not find it engaging. But like I said on

Nothing is better than From Beyond.

Considering the material used and how they are made, the Bayverse designs are the best fit

It's kind of similar to TEKKON KINKREET. which was made by a western studio so i guess that's not too surprising

"This is the second of three announcements scheduled this week..."

Unfortunately, Other M Samus is the current version of the character, and that game made her not really that tall, even witht he power suit on. Bummer.

Now playing

You'd have to have a heart of stone not to love Mark Hamill's Grundy

You know, much have been said in the comments of this article, but...

The Raiden escape mission wasn't what Kojima meant by saying he put Raiden in the game to appeal to young Japanese women. It was the whole Raiden character in general. Kojima willfully admitted to replacing Solid Snake as the main character in MGS2, in part, because he was trying to appeal to the preferences of young

Lost Odyssey is the 7th generation equivalent to Okami of the 6th generation. They're both underrated and have strong fanbases.

Lost Odyssey. One of the most underrated games this generation.

That's a pussy, all right.

I second this. I grew up watching them and but a handful of them had a message of some sort. The original Godzilla and maybe Rodan (it's been years since i've seen Rodan) are really the only kaiju movies i can think of that have something beyond two giant creatures (or more depending on the film) having some sort of

You can't be serious. With some rare exceptions, most Kaiju movies are just a bunch of silly but cool looking monster wrecking stuff, beating the tar out of each other, and the occasional human characters (bonus points if it's a japanese kid wearing shorts) saying stuff nobody gives a damn. And that's perfectly

Of course, the great irony here is that we may get treated to a Pacific Rim Sequel,

I have absolutely nothing of worth to contribute to this discussion.

Crazy? Yes. Terrifying? FUCK YES @_@