Alien Crush? YES!
Alien Crush? YES!
For moment i misunderstood the headline as that MMA fighter got her eye kicked off her head.
Odd to not see Keanu Reeves in that list. I love the guy, but he is incredibly limited in his acting skills.
Of course, that begs the question: if they don’t give a fuck about us, why are they watching us from time immemorial?
From the top of my head: Shield Bash can’t go through barriers (this was massive for all Rein players) anymore, the damage went from 5o to just 5, the cooldown went from 5 secs to 6 and then to 7, and the cone of effect went from 90° down to 60°. Her shield lost 100 HP (from 600 to 500). And finally, her ult that used…
Brig has been nerfed again and again, she is still useful but nowhere near the YOLO steamroller that could solo two DPS and a healer and still win. The latest hero to get buffed into brokeness was Reaper who got his life steal ability from 30% to 50% of the damage he dishes, but that to got nerfed (to 40%).
“dad, I know you meant to say “titties”, those asteriks do nothing”
Didn’t he find Goku shortly after his spaceship crashed?
Come to think about it, if Goku celebrates something that probably would be the day he arrived to earth.
Sorta happened with Alita, they changed her design a bit after the bad reaction to the trailer. Still, that was just a relatively minor touchup.
Seems that Sonic is an alien and of course the military gets involved and wants to capture him, a plot that has been used and reused to the point of exhaustion. So yeah, that’s pretty bad. Also, while it’s cool to see Jim Carrey once again doing comedy, man, the writing of his jokes was BAD.
I am hoping the artists already have a more stylized, cartoonier version that the studio execs discarded and told them to do something more “realistic”.
Sounds like a terrible idea. If for example, they made a Mercy skin where she was black, you will have people complaining about “the SJWs” AND others will be crying about Blizzard literally doing blackface in the game. And I can’t even begin to imagine the internet’s reaction upon seeing a white Doomfist.
Dunn0 man, I actually laughed the first time I heard him saying “statistically speaking, I usually get most of my team back alive, but who’s counting?”. He does need spoken interactions with other characters, as far as I know he has none.
Hmmmm... Lucio doesn’t count as black? I find it odd that americans have somehow taken over the word “black” as meaning “african-american”.
There is also that omnic girl in Ashe’s animated short, and now that Maximillien appeared in the current event once again he could be the “next one”.
Those years between the end of the 6th gen and the start of the 7th made me migrate mostly towards the PC as a gaming platform. I actually had a PS2 for a few years until I got the dreaded DREs and the laser just gave up, and since I have a pretty low tolerance for that sort of crap I forgot about it and got me an…
Mine still works! Only problem I ever had was the disk tray refusing to open (which actually was easy to fix). Well, that and the whole “remove the clock capacitor or die” issue that is currently threatning almost all the consoles. Good thing that too was an easy fix.
That would be the 360. The OG Xbox actually was pretty realiable and well made.
Everything I found utterly wrong in XIII had its genesis in part X.