
Back in the 2011 when it was announced, it made a lot of economic sense for Disney to develop the Avatar themed extension to the park. Pretty sure they were counting on a sequel or even two being realeased in the span of these 6 years and keeping up interest in the franchise.

And the artists don’t receive a penny for their hard work. I personally know an artist who digitally published two very well made  LoL porn comics, only to be dismayed at his work almost immediately being freely distributed on EHentai and ExHentai. The result of that was that he simply dropped any future plans he had

There is a small buff announced, actually. His crit-box will be reduced in a future update.

Not sure about making his gun stronger, but he sure should benefit from having a bigger mag. Nothing more frustrating than diving in and getting killed while reloading by several squishies that were one bar from dying.

Winston is a massive asset to a well organized push, him diving to the rear and targeting the squishies while their tanks can’t do a thing because they are trying to block the advance rest of your team. Even if Winston dies once the enemy tanks are beaten the rear should be weakened enough that wiping them should be

That’s the thing, to be effective with Bastion you have to be constantly moving and redeploying (unless a Rein or a Mercy/Ana decide to babysit you, which sucks for the team), or he will get destroyed. The changes make that more fluid for the Bastion player and give at least some value to the time he may spend in

The problem with the DCEU is that they have no direction or planning other than “we want a piece of the Disney/Marvel pie”.

Oddly enough, what really annoys me is that the heights are all wrong. Actually, that’s a very common mistake in Overwatch fanart, which is quite baffling because in the game you often see the characters standing side by side, and their stats are easily checked online.

I am not sure exactly what could Blizzard comment or do about this. Perhaps Jeff could post in the forums or reddit “gee guys, go to bed k?”

You know, it’s always baffling to see Genjis, Pharahs, and D.Vas engaged in the first gate, when they have a flanking route right in front of the spawn point.

I skipped most of the season, and probably won’t bother until the next one begins. Bought the game during the free week deal, comp season started like less than two weeks after that, and I went into it without thinking.

Not St. Paul’s. St. Paul’s is Baroque, this is Gothic

A problem is that her passive clearly is intended to make her an assassin of low hp characters, but her gun simply doesn´t help.

Just today I had a match that ended with a Sombra that got a card for having 63 hacks done.

It’s the one meme that never goes out of style.

There wasn’t much talking about nuclear ploriferation in MGSV, so change it into twenty minute monologe about Wolbachia copulation and we have a deal.

Tfw the extras from a Michael Bay movie have your back

QUESTION: Why don’t the VG publishers unite and publicly pressure for Gamestop to drop these shitty practices? It would be both within their power to do so (I mean, they make the stuff GS sells) AND in their best interest (since the whole “make people buy more used and less new games” doesn’t really benefit them),

Wouldn’t a simple fix to this, be for the PC Bangs to block users without admin rights from installing stuff on the comps?

You know, for something hand-made as cheaply as possible and almost entirely using visual refference, that mask is terrific.