As I recall, Amorphous alloys made the news when CalTech published its research back in 2002/2003??? The concept goes back even further.
As I recall, Amorphous alloys made the news when CalTech published its research back in 2002/2003??? The concept goes back even further.
Having used Garmin's bike computer, it was quite clear that "Prior Art" would come into play and render this patent application useless.
ROFL.... and Apple went through all the trouble of applying for a patent? Does Apple know it's wasting its money applying for meaningless patents?
Garmin already did most of this around 4 years ago... and are still doing it. The fact that most of this has already been implemented would render this a bulk of this application void!
I saw the pic, you raised my spirits...
Remember Enzo Ferrari? Remember the Ford family? Kudos to Penske for all his well deserved success! However, Ferrari and Ford are automotive institutions!
Revolutionary feature huh? hmmm......
my take away from this are the following... and just mho (aka measly 2 cents)
I remember back in the 90's, Mazda's MX-3 was packing a sub 2.0L V6 motor. I also remember Mazda cars with 2.0L and 2.5L V6.
Yea but can he play John the Fisherman????
I remember the Toivonen crash, being a kid it was surreal. Another stunning aspect of that crash was that it quite literally ended Group B Rally! Since there was no footage of the car going off, the tragedy wasn't as intense as seeing replays of my hero (Senna) crashing.
May as well throw in my 2 cents...
Be honest, did any Kotaku staff members even bother to check out the F1 2010 demo from Codemasters?
Um yeah, I'm still drooling over F1 2010!!!
Totally reeks of Gundam / Gundam 00 Lol!
It's been a while, so my memory may be fuzzy... but wasn't the protagonist's father in Evangelion a massive doucebag/richard/jackhole?
@Alex Sharifi: woops... should have read "far from game changing" and a "newby to this application space"
* Microsoft, and Skype, have developed the video conferencing technology and have been continually refinining and optimizing it. They have been doing this a great deal longer than Apple has.
Instead of setting books on fire, the firemen will have the ability to blow up the lithium batteries in all the reading devices....