Alex Sharifi

I'm guessing that he very well couldn't have been in the running for the next Apple CEO if he was still running Google.

They have been doing this for skis since the late 80's. The torsion box design for skis revolved around composite materials being woven around wood/foam cores.

Straight out of the big three's playbook. ICK

Sam, before we jump the gun here...

Absofreakin'lutely hilarious! Kudos Matt Hardigree!

I've seen Gizmodo post entries about similar products by two other companies....

I'm surprised that Windows Live Messenger isn't considered popular. Before there was Skype, we either had to use cUcMe, Intel's proshare, Netmeeting, and Yahoo Messenger.

Hmmm.... and MS just purchased Canesta and all of its IP / Patents! So basically, MS now has all the tech that would be necessary to drive the fictional interfaces we saw in Quantum Solace, or Matrix Revolutions...

Lots of great cars and it seems that the commentators have pretty much covered all the bases...

Is it just me or has it been forgotten that Apple has a binding contract for exclusivity with AT&T?

I'm very surprised to find no mention of the recent judgment against Apple for $625 million. The verdict was this last week but for some reason, it didn't register on Gizmodo's radar?

I wouldn't be surprised if Nokia and pseudo smart phones make a comeback here in the states. This opinion is based on anectdotal evidence btw.

Two words... "Prior Art"

Have the rules for the shooting challenge changed? I was under the impression that photos had to be taken during the week of the challenge.

".... It's always some mundane little detail" LOL

To whom it may concern, but the "workspaces" / "featuredworkspace" has been a longtime source for DIY inspiration!

So the Trojan's author can be charged with homicide.... I sure hope they track the original author down and put him/her away!

the iHouse will be based on conjectures made about Bill Gates' home 10 years ago, and will be touted by Apple as its innovation and a model for future homes! LOL

@Alex Sharifi: woops, I meant to state why suppliers and manufacturers DIDN'T buy Liquidmetal years ago.

One thing people fail to realize is that the specific amorphous alloy known as "Liquidmetal" was created by CalTech. If I recall correctly, the company, Liquidmetal, was founded by some of the researchers on the CalTech team.