funky bunny

Actually, from a developmental psychology standpoint, this is a great way to handle this situation. Adults often project onto kids of this age their own consciousness of what a lie is. Children of this age lie opportunistically but they aren't conscious of their lies the way that adults or older kids are. At this age

Eat the evidence, Tiffany!

I hope we all reserve judgement on what the mother should or shouldn't have done and just enjoy this really freakin' adorable video of a kid doing kid stuff. My ovaries explode for cute little baby voices :3

I've been there! Lek is amazing and so is the work she does. One of the best experiences of my life.

SPF 30 is no different than SPF 50. All it means is that you reapply it every 500 minutes instead of every 300 minutes*. It doesn't mean it's stronger. Also a lot of high SPF's don't actually test what their number is. A lot of times SPF 80 or SPF 100 lotions actually test around SPF 30 to 60. A lot of high SPF

The real Bahn Mi aficionados will continue to buy this amazingly delicious and ludicrously inexpensive sandwich from the proper purveyors: tiny, hole-in-the-wall, family-owned, Vietnamese delis. Here in Seattle, where awareness of the best Bahn Mi shops is prized knowledge, these sandwiches have become the late night

My heart belongs to Princess Monster Truck, the most metal of the internet cats.

I feel his pain. I went to my BFFs kids talent show and it was sung..badly...6 times. I freaked out on the 6th time, which was only halfway through the show to walk home. While walking home I came across a young girl in her front yard singing and dancing...this fucking song....I ran. I ran as fast as I could to the

I don't even like cats.

"Every Boob is like a Snowflake", coincidentally, was one of the last cuts off the Frozen soundtrack.

My beloved kitty that passed away last year used to meow furiously at the living room door if I had accidentally locked her out in the kitchen while I was playing piano. She would sit on the bench and purr while I was playing, and she would meow with me if I was singing. And tears.

Miss Ziggy Shazaam???? That might just be the best cat name ever! I'm hiding my identity from you because I'm probably going to use it!!

Hi, Former fine dining chef here. Latex gloves are probably far less sanitary for customers than bare hands. For example your average chef might have to prepare around 150 items of prep, give or take, in the course of the prep aspect of the shift. That would require a glove change for every item on the basis of

I'm a pantry cook & I do not feel as though it would be safe for me to be wearing gloves all the time...I have to do lots of very high-speed slicing & dicing & I would not feel safe putting a glove on my right hand (the one I use to hold my knife.) I want to have a very secure grip on my knife at all times.

As a long term reader of Jezebel, a below the liner, and a member of the technical crew of Midnight Rider, fuck you and your headline.

I got my first kitty this week! His name is George. Other than that, I've had a t-totally shitty week. SO, leave me some cute cat pictures/stores.

Can we please stop talking about Charlie Sheen, the psychopathic abuser of women?

As I walk through the shadow of the valley of breast