funky bunny

Po-tay-toh Po-tah-to

Women don't have to wear bras if they goddamn don't want to. Except at the office, it's a good idea to wear one at the office. But someone not constrained by a corporate dress code? More power to them.

Now playing

Yo, hamster, Imma let you finish, but Teddy has the best corn-eating video OF ALL TIME.

My husband bought us tickets to see John Carpenter's "They Live!" tonight, and for a special meet-and-greet with Rowdy Roddy Piper.

Some of these comments are horrifying. I don't care if Trayvon smoked all the pot in the world and had an IQ of 12. He didn't deserve to be murdered in his own back yard. Sometimes I love the internet, and sometimes it's really scary to think how all this social media has created a nasty invisibility cloak for us all

Things that make more sense than his argument: