
“1. I have no criticism of Uhura

You wrote a dissertation in reply to me and I feel as if you didn’t read a word I wrote beyond my first rebuttal.

Two problems: despite your citing of scholarly research on IR pairings being mostly BW/WM, it just doesn’t feel true according to my lived experience or my vast and varied pop culture consumption. Even accounting for ‘being in my feelings’ about it but trying to be objective, there’s just no way! 1) White men have no

“This is not a plea for black men to be featured with more white women on television and movies.”

Once again, anyone care to address what Black WOMEN want?! Not just light-skinned or biracial women but Black women of all hues, particularly dark? Then not just how MEN THINK we want/should want but how women want to their actual desires to be portrayed?!

Seems like an intentional and willful omission of ALLLLLL the Black man and non-black woman pairings in popular culture since 1967's Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner—which predates the Uhuru Kirk kiss by a full year and had a far more significant cultural impact—I wonder why?

I’d say the possibility of her being assaulted by this guy is a lot higher than him being assaulted by any cops she told. He already started laying the groundwork, and when someone threatens you it’s good policy to believe them.

I don’t know how kind it was... he’s going to do this again to another woman, and maybe next time, he’ll follow through.

Can confirm. My white dad and black mom have never divorced. 

Here is what I don’t get. Why do black women go out of their way to look after and remain loyal to black men, when far too many black men show time and again they could care less. Black women are expected to always remain loyal to black men. If a black woman dares to date outside of her race, she is ostracized, and

Thank you. What also bothers me is that a generation of black women are possibly operating under the premise that it’s better not to report because the police might shoot them, rather than the idea their safety has more value than these black males and their abhorrent and criminal behavior.

I feel bad as a man that that happened and honestly I think she should have called the cops. Would the potential consequences for him outsay her feeling of safety when we all know he lacks enough empathy or decency not to say something awful like that.

> How can I look a black boy in his face and tell him he is nothing?

Angie Jordan was one of THE BEST ancillary characters on 30 Rock and SS was perfection in that role. I have such a hard time reconciling that with real life Sherri. I avoid her at all costs because I just don’t want Angie ruined for me.

If he is whack its plenty more whack asses where he came from. Smh. 

Nope, Donald Glover’s dumb ass didn’t go to a predominantly white school. He had to try a little harder to avoid Black girls, lol.

So what you’re saying is that Sherri Shephard is raising the next Donald Glover, huh?

I caught that too MJ. The fool left a whole shit trail behind him, an the best we can get is a ‘percieved’? Not here for the low key gaslighting. And if it’s not, how else are we meant to take that doubtful tone?

Say it again for the folk in the back.