
I don’t care about this show because I don’t watch it. But I can see the backlash happening if she doesn’t choose a black man. And that makes me furious. I don’t cape for black men. I don’t cape for white men.

Let me say this: I’m black & hetero, with a white partner. My entire dating/ married life, I’ve gone between black & white men, with a few other races thrown in. While I understand some reasons for people staying within their race as far as romance, I don’t understand people getting an attitude about any of it with

I have thoroughly scanned your post, and detected no lies. It’s high time that black women stop allowing themselves to be judged and cowed into limiting their choices to black dudes when no such thing happens to black men. Quite the opposite, actually. She can date and marry whoever she damn well please... her

Why is she obligated to pick a black dude when black men have been giving the last rose to white/ other women for decades? In real life (which is what matters), black women are the ONLY ones who’ve been holding it down for black men as a category-those who don’t have much of anything to offer, & those who do (of

I’m so glad to hear this. I was worried it wouldn’t have the resources Bresha needs to get better. She really does need help working through the trauma she’s survived and her family dynamics. Poor girl. I hope her mom and brothers and sisters also get help.

Get your life back, girl. Free yourself. FreeBresha.

In general self defense can be a hard sell if a death is involved if it wasn’t the result of an active attack.

Good point. I’m sure after her father beat her he rushed right over to the hospital to get her wounds treated. Fucking dipshit.

I live in Shaker, and I’m familiar with the facility she’s being transferred to. It’s a pretty nice place staffed with kind, dedicated people. If she can’t be free at least she’ll be treated with care and compassion and hopefully when she’s out she’ll be able to move on with her life as a healthy, stable girl. She’s

The Police report quoted in the article is from 2011, the mother didn’t make this up after the fact. This kid has PTSD, generalised anxiety and major depression. How do we think a 16 year old got PTSD?

She’s a juvenile. It’s a sealed case. None of us can see the evidence. The only bull I smell around here is you. Piss off.

Glad that mandatory mental health for PTSD is ordered... the abuse that she has sustained and the fact that she will feel pain for taking anothers life (whether people think its justified or not) will weigh heavy one her. Just hope that she will continue with support even after her eventual release.

It’s gut-wrenching that she ever was put in a cage in the first place.

The sooner this child is free the better.

Oh, I know there is no such thing as rape culture, because of all the helpful people on Gawker who have informed me of that. *eye roll till my contacts fall out* Several have actually defended the idea as made-up because we don't talk about "murder culture." Morons. I think the rape jokes, victim blaming, etc. that

There's a lot going on in this story. Rape culture. Male entitlement. The horrifying fact that people are carrying guns around for no damn reason.

Urgh. Me too, now. Who wants to bet, right now, on the approaches to character assassination of the dead woman that emerge if he ever does come to trial? minor criminal record/"She said yes til her boyfriend showed up"/"she was drunk"/"she looked like she might be a sex worker/had once been a sex worker/knew someone


Don't worry, though, there's no such thing as rape culture, and women should feel totally flattered and not at all threatened when men hit on them.

What a tragic thing to have happened. I hope her family can mourn and find peace.
