Aleks Jaksonov

One slice of cheese on a grilled cheese might be the stupidest fucking opinion ever typed in the history of the internet.

How about we get these idiots some fucking education before we expect them to not act like fucking idiots?

He wore one long baggy white sleeve on one arm, none on the other. Seriously

You're cheering a man being seriously injured under the guise of moral superiority, just to let you know.

Here's a better one:

No, Dude62789, I'm not. Go be pedantic elsewhere.

"we stand for making money for the owners... Aaaaaand nothing else." -the NFL

I didn't know just how hungover I was until it took me a solid 5 minutes to figure out the typo.

Not all college athletes are criminals, but if you're not a criminal Urban Meyer doesn't want you on his team.

If someone in my league drops Adrian Peterson, I'm picking him up instantly. Not because I'm a person that "enables" this behavior (which has been the go to insult lately), but because I wanna win my league.

Real translation: "I am playing my part in a huge cover-up"

The people that pigpiled on the idiot intern with such righteous indignation are just as stupid as the idiot intern who tweeted a hashtag without knowing what it means.. #NotAllPizza

"Meh." -Donald Sterling

^hotter take than the last IMHO

^ hot take IMO

Believe me I agree. Fuck UFC/MMA and every single thing that "sport" and their mongoloid fans stand for.

Cannot WAIT until the day we can all go back to not giving a flying fuck about the UFC again.

Hey Chris remember when you called out all of your coaches for being homophobes but then it came to light that you make fun of child rape victims and lost all the credibility you never really had because you suck as a punter and a person?

hey samer if you think geno was doing this without ulterior motives I've got some magic rocks to sell you

"If I did it, then here's how" -Ray Lewis