Aleks Jaksonov

Did anyone else notice urban Meyer reaching for his chest (for what would have been his first real heart attack) as Michigan almost returned the kick for a touchdown at the end of regulation?

You are insufferable.

Relax, Shakespeare. This is sports we’re talking about. Holy shit your writing style, is - incredibly pretentious - and, insufferable.

Tannehill sucks

People that should be paid more:

Mad Men is a non-fiction TV show for Christ sakes.

Hell hath no fury like a blogger scorned

“These all sound welcome, but wouldn’t change the fact that aside from a few power teams, the talent level in the sport just isn’t that high.”

Meanwhile at Deadspin HQ:

How many times do you guys throw a link to that fucking “The Trouble With Floyd Mayweather” article?

No, it's not a stupid question! That's exactly what you would do.

The R&D process for this should take what, 5, 10 minutes?

why a 32 or 33 yarder? Why not just round it to 35 yds (or 30, or 40 like you said in the article)? The NFL is becoming almost as obtuse as the MLB when it comes to change.

Yup, walk it off... Great strategy soccer! Wonder how the Miserable Shithawk will find a way to bash the NFL for this?

Budweiser (sorry, snobs), Timmerman's strawberry beer, and Shipyard Pumpkinhead.

I bet this Mensa thinks the playoffs are a crapshoot too.

that's very unfortunate for you :/. Aldi is generally underpriced. They carry a limited number of SKUs though, which is one of the many reasons they make so much $$$.


I'm pretty sure this is the exact reason the phrase "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" was invented for.

That has nothing to do with it you fucking pedant. The point is they're more than willing to blow up another media member's spot, but when someone on their staff does the same thing (actually, what Tim Burke did was unequivocally worse) we get crickets.