There is no natural way to fall to the ground after being hit in the face by a 90 plus fastball. Bet he don’t dig in next time, if there is a next time
There is no natural way to fall to the ground after being hit in the face by a 90 plus fastball. Bet he don’t dig in next time, if there is a next time
Before he died, Corey Haim gave a really sad interview talking about how he was molested multiple times as a child actor. I believe he even said he was raped on the set of Lost Boys. The saddest part was when he told his mother, he said her response was essentially “Forget it ever happened unless you want to ruin your…
Jack Nicholson is news to me.
He has no right exposing the victims who confided in him. And by naming a perp, it is almost certain the victim(s) will be exposed.
“If you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”
On the other hand, by putting this out there, anyone who is willing to name names knows that this guy will likely back them up, and it goes from there. I really hope this is the start of a conversation, not a single standalone statement.
He says that he wasn’t abused, though, so it’s hearsay. There are two possible scenarios here:
According to the most recent census, the population of the Bay Area is a shade over 7 million.
is there anybody that thinks that wasn’t intentional?
I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.
Hey Jezzies! So, after quite a while without any more time off than a three day weekend, I’m taking a vacation with the lady friend!! I’ll be gone for three weeks, and exploring (but hopefully not Columbusing) the other side of the world.
Veep! Holy shit I love Veep. Preacher starts Sunday and I’m excited for that. I think tonight I’ll start binging on season 2 of Fargo. Also, my husband and I are WAY WAY behind the times and we just discovered the Americans. My god, what a show. We can’t stop!
No. Fuck make-up, and fuck anyone who tries to say it’s some fundamental part of the female experience.
Damn Donald. You got me like this after reading this.
It's a fabrication about majors. It was a pun, dummy.
i wonder how many times he tittyfucked a buddy when drunk.
Oh god, they’re bouncing to the beat of my Pandora station! CAN’T UNSEE!
This guy is a fucking moron, obviously, but I’m over here fuming about how I have to stare at his disgusting man tits, but you bet your ass they won’t show a woman’s nipple on TV.
Why is he allowed to show his nipples? Man has boobs and he's not trying to breastfeed anyone so I see zero reason why this is ok if it's not ok for me to let my natural God made breasts out.