I am not a fan of either Chelsea or Angelina. They both seem awful in their own ways.
Unless the woman you don’t like is Angelina Jolie in which case you’re Chelsea Handler.
I think “hush puppies at a BBQ” has the potential to be the new “wipe butt standing or sitting” eternal debate on this site.
Folded over white bread sandwich filled with BBQ brisket, pickles, onions, and extra BBQ sauce. All y’all northerners can go fuck yourselves.
A) Where are the green beans?
No, that’s what the 15 beers you’re going to drink will do the next morning.
Good hush puppies need a fryer. Who brings a fryer to a BBQ? Number one is clearly corn on the cob. Number two is Hellman’s back of the mayo jar recipe potato salad. And number three is your mother in law not making it because she got hit by a car.
Pickles? Opinion invalid. No wonder Texas sucks.
This week, I basically wore two of the outfits that appear in this video. So, I learned something about myself today.
Yay!!! Praise all things freestyle!
Damnit. I’m going to be singing “Spring Love” and “Diamond Girl” all day.
He didn’t Czech himself and thus wrecked himself.
eh, she should have told them to just photoshop that part out.
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