Pero su tuit solo ha aclarado algo que se había inventado otra persona de la prensa, por lo que el que ha hecho el daño ha sido el otro al mentir, no él al decir la verdad.
Pero su tuit solo ha aclarado algo que se había inventado otra persona de la prensa, por lo que el que ha hecho el daño ha sido el otro al mentir, no él al decir la verdad.
En primero de Aeronáutica nos decían que los aviones vuelan porque Dios es bueno. Y los helicópteros porque es la Hostia de bueno!
Si fuese como explica el video, no se podrían hacer vuelos invertidos.
Un avión no vuela por lo indicado en el video....
And, of course, the aircraft is a real looker, just like all his designs. Even the Boomerang looked great once the initial oddness wore off.
Sometimes I feel honored to have lived in the times of Buzz Aldrin, Steve Jobs, and Burt Rutan. Having met two of the three, I can assure you that Burts sideburns are the best.
Even if it’s his last project, I’m really glad he’s moved on to something else since the tragic death of Michael Alsbury. By all accounts, he was inconsolable and it was not a design flaw.
It looks fairly perspicuous and avoids the “prototype” or sci-fi looks so many other planes try to ooze appeal with. You just look at it and think “Yeah, this will fly”. The ski & small wheels combo is as practical as it is simple.
“That’s nothing too crazy for a commercial airliner, but for a little plane it’s a bit more impressive.”
A convential empennage? Only one fuselage? Where is Burt Rutan and what has this guy done with him?
We need more Burts.
Those chops provide positive lift in optimal conditions.
The “Wizard of Menlo Park” would be Edison. (Disregard if this was intentional because Edison was a dick.)
I graduated from Cal Poly’s Aeronautical Engineering program about 25 years after Rutan. When I started, the students had heard about him and thought he was a bit of a crackpot. Then the Voyager went around the world and most, myself included, became a believer. He’s obviously had a lot of great accomplishments since…
I wonder what pricing will look like on it. I’d buy one if I could afford one. (Many, many years down the road when I’m hopefully less poor.)
Convair tried something like this on a jet fighter; The F2Y sea dart. They had trouble with the system on that, though, as the landing speed caused what was known as “Ski Pounding”. Shouldn’t be a problem with the speeds this’ll be going.
Burt Rutan is a genius, he has made the most incredible and revolutionary airplanes.
I have the solution for the NASA logo ([] meet the Meatworm!
Because NASA.