I would gladly buy this from Epic, if only the store didn’t suck. I’m not even talking about QoL issues, since I know what I want to buy and only need a play button. But their security is awful.
I would gladly buy this from Epic, if only the store didn’t suck. I’m not even talking about QoL issues, since I know what I want to buy and only need a play button. But their security is awful.
The problem with an NG+ in Sekiro is that you already know what’s around the next corner. No need to kill everything to clear an area and take a good look at it, get exp or gold. I already have almost all the items I could ever need. I only need to kill bosses and the last 2 minibosses of the Purification ending. With…
Things were a lot friendlier when people where curious about features in a game that hadn’t come out yet, and got mad once it revealed itself to be a broken and incomplete mess that ignores every lesson that looters have learned in the last 10 years, not to mention having some aspects of progression fundamentally…
I wish they had put half the effort they put here into Jade’s story for the second act. Her first act was between decent and strong, and then turns into the worst part of the second act.
You talking about the Mayor’s daughter? Not only is she not a little girl, it’s not even a plot point.
Fighting lickers is like fighting sewer Tyrants, just a waste of ammo. There’s maybe 2 towards the end of the game that can be a pain, but it’s much better to take a hit and run past them than trying to kill them.
I see no mention of Flanman, Se7en or rocket powered sledgehammers. They also jumped straight to Motorball without the good parts in between. And the whole Scrapyard/Tiphares dynamic seems more much more well lit than it should be. I knew this would be dissapointing.
You might want to amend “STAT | $725 billion”. I don’t think something can make that much money.
Well, I guess I know what most C95 doujins are going to be about. God I love the internet.
It’s interesting how that seems to be the first option after characters interact. Tracer/Widow (long before Tracer was revealed as being lesbian), Mercy/Pharah, Genji/Hanzo, Roadhog/Junkrat come to mind.
The super shotgun was the second best weapon in the game. You dispatch any mob with ease, it’s easy to get the mastery, you get a ton of shells and once you have the mastery you can dance around monsters and double shot almost everything into gory death. If anything the normal shotgun becomes useless once you get the…
Man, this was a good game conference. Lots of new and cool stuff , most of which I’m getting.
Before the HD collections, DMC4 was the best selling DMC.
DmC still doesn’t compare to DMC. Characters are mostly awful, the whole plot tries way too hard to be edgy, and the combat is worse.
Looking forward to a feet only Dark Souls run.
I honestly could not care less about the writing room, they could all be time travelling tibetan monk, what I really want is casting news, see who’s going to show up.
Except it won’t mean less micro transactions. It will mean games get more expensive, and the micros probably get more expensive too.
Not to mention that this week is when people are going to start getting their i360 Sigmascape weapon, and that all the Eureka grind only gives you an i355 weapon. Only worth it if you really, really want the shiny, dyable version of the i290 weapon.
A while ago a japanese show estimated he made around 26M a year.
But Alita isn’t supposed to stand out, not because of her inhuman features. She looks like a cute girl that people would look twice at because of her pouty lips, not her bug eyes.