That’s not at all the point.
That’s not at all the point.
It looks awful and completely out of place. It’s like they took anime eyes seriously.
Oh God, what’s wrong with her face? This is gonna be a mess. Shame, since the source material is good.
Onee-san > imouto has always been the truth.
I have to say, this is very good pretend gameplay. Up there with the original FFXIII trailer.
It’s not the brutality that I care about, it’s the complete lack of context, and the fact that that is how they chose to present characters we had never seen before. Honetly, if it wasn’t for the clickers at the end, I wouldn’t even know this was related to LoU2, and it doesn’t provide the sense of familiarity that…
Maybe because his concern isn’t based on the trailer, interviews, gameplay or anything of actual substance, not at this stage.
What exactly is so self-evident about that picture that it makes you wary about the game? If there were american-japanese members on the team, it would make it better, even though there is no telling how much interest or knowledge they would have on japanese culture/history? It’s not like they can just do research and…
In FFXIV you don’t queue for content, you queue for tanks.
This would be the best idea. Maybe a soft spoken but firm defense hero or something. What has been suggested here about him being a Mercy skin is not the right way to do things.
“Most of the Sorceress/Wizard spell scrolls were inventory items you scrolled through”
I hope they make some gameplay improvements, like they did in OS. As I remember it, using skills was a pain because you had to scroll past other skills and items just to use them, instead of being a separate system alltogether.
The gameplay may be decent, but the design of the game is still mediocre. Add dumpster fire tier story and characters and it’s no wonder fans don’t like it.
A couple of questions. Are the cubes shuffled in a random way, and no matter how they start, can they be solved in the same amount of moves?
DD1 > DD2 >> JJ > LC >= Defenders >>> IF
He’s still the representative of the game though. The only character you control in towns. The character who remains if everyone leaves your party. You can’t just throw him into a corner and forget he exists.
I buy the manga I can, sometimes from series I’ve already read online because I prefer the paperback.
Monkeys paw.
So after all these years we finally get a BEG game, and it’s a prequel, before the main character people loved and wanted to see more of was even born?
Overall combat was decent, but the game was very lacking in story, gameplay aside from combat (just walking around from A to B), in soundtrack, and in RPG design decisions of the last 20 years (it was trying to be old/nostalgic to a fault).