
No. It’s still one of the most horrible twists in an otherwise good game, and it managed to ruin a franchise, storywise.

It doesn’t matter what you do or how good you are, either an asian or a guy with a blindfold will beat you at it.

As I was watching the movie, two problems came to mind.

Every character has their own personality niche, they even find a way to get a chuuni in there.

Actually, if you consider the whole game, every character gets their fair share of screentime. It’s just that with Ann, Ryuji and Yusuke you get a drop before it stabilizes once the story gets serious again, but you get them for 20-25 hours more than the others. Makoto and Futaba enter at the best moment because once

The whole “you can climb almost any surface” seems so simple in theory, yet I spent an insane amount of time just climbing stuff. It’s just fun.

We knew A2 and 9S would be playable characters.

The trailers showed you playing as 2B, 9S and A2 and Taro said there would be multiple characters. He also said what the ending would be like.

It might be worth mentioning how the endings work.

Out of everything SE made, instead of just publishing, the only good thing I remember from the last few years is Realm Reborn.

Oh wow, this looks gr...

No love for best boy Muneshige, best girl Ginchiyo or best bro Honda? I am dissapointed.

So you have to swivel your head around a lot instead of a little? And just imagine the migraine in high pressure fights.

“Might not be about twincest”

Counter-counterpoint: Hitman.

“limited time hunts”

There will be no winners this day. Really prickly situations.

If you’re not photographing Aranea being the best party member, you’re doing it wrong. Fortunately, I see you’re on the right path.

Chrom should to be lower and the Robins shouldn’t even be in the top 10. Other than that, good taste all around.

I vote for Starscream. His unwillingness to give up is a very strong point. Also, it would leave him with less people to backstab and he could focus on the job.