
I would disagree because of how the game aged. This past summer I did a 100% run of Vesperia and the game felt great, it aged great. I can’t say the same about Symphonia. I like it, but the semi-chibification takes some points away from it.

It’s way better than Zestiria, and Mike failed to mention that the equipment skills (c’mon Mike it’s not that hard!) work like in Vesperia, which is great. But is is not the TP style combat of past Tales. You can try it for yourself, there is a demo out.

It’s not your thing. There, that is all that needed to be said without condemning others, and we can disagree there. And there are (more) fanservice-y costumes for her (and the others), such as the beach dlc or Rutee’s costume. As far as fanservice goes, I don’t like it as well, when it extends to everything and

For someone who starts sentences with “As an adult” that’s a really adult thing to do. Nice going. If it was something on the level of Warrior Within or Senran Kagura I would be hard pressed to disagree, but not this, especially when it’s a design decision that doesn’t extend to the rest of the game. And if you want

Have you seen Other M? In cutscenes she spends more time outside the armor than in it, because of Sakamoto’s creepy obsession with her.

If the second thing he did wasn’t insulting the people who like it, he might have had a leg to stand on.

You are not just questioning the appeal it might have for other people as if you simply disagree, you are questioning their maturity and implying their are childish when they hold a different opinion, which crosses the line from simply agreeing on disagreeing. I don’t care about your opinion, only that you think you

Except for two things. First, the outfit of the third picture is the first thing you see on her, so there is a build up to it, or a proper sequence of events before it, if you will, as well as a completely different personality. Secondly, if the argument you’re using now was your first answer instead of questioning

And? They decided to go with the revealing version (a far cry from Shahdee’s outfit, which you have mentioned multiple times), fully aware other options would be available. Besides, her outfit is brought up in in game conversations, and why she doesn’t feel embarassed or even cold in it.

You are wrong on several accounts. There is no line drawn between ages and tastes, and you are not above or below anyone by not liking the outfit, so step down from your soapbox. Secondly, it does have its place in universe. She is thrown/abandoned in jail, and spends 3 years doing nothing but fighting, which

There is nothing wrong with her outfit.

Vesperia > Berseria > Abyss > the rest

It depends on the meaning of the question.

And yet they haven’t managed to do a good dark-souls like 2D rogue like yet. And no, S&S wasn’t more than decent.

Wow, I never though I’d see a proper Utawarerumono release after MirrorMoon’s efforts ten years ago. A shame the best characters are in Uta 1, but I’ll definitely be getting this.

Hey, we still have Nier, so, the best of the two is still around.

This isn’t trolling. This is being based.

Really Sega? We don’t get VC3, but we get the game with gameplay that not only looks horrible, it is nothing like game game that sold enough to convince you to re-release it on PS4 and make a new one?

My personal opinion is that it’s a hard topic since on one hand a company should, of course, have full say about what is done with their IP, but on the other hand they are many times creations from passionate fans that keep the interest of the people burning.

It’s been more than 10 years since I’ve been able to kick the Magic drug, but it seems my not card collecting days are at an end.