
Yes, No, Yes, Yes, No, is my take.

TEW has the same problem that Resi4 had. It got to a point where Mikami got tired of the game and decided to make a new one, without actually making a new one, but in Resi it worked.

I really liked the first level, back when everything was new, but yeah, it gets pretty boring. But that’s not even the worst part. For me, it’s the flavor text. Everything, and I mean, everything is flavor text. One can assume what items and potions do from their text, but the actual effects are nowhere to be read.

It’s been a long time, I’d say since Vesperia that a Tales game has felt complete. Xillia was rushed, X2 and Zestiria were incredibly boring affairs, Graces had a good combat system but failed everywhere else.

They can’t put Tidus in this because he has no head.

There is nothing underrated about Remember Me. The combat, story and overall design were mediocre, most of the story made no sense and the gimmick of memory manipulation was treated in game as miraculous time travel and only descended in quality after the first presentations. The only good thing about it was the

Game was released. It was crap. It was reviewed as such. The fact it was pulled because they messed up so bad does not make the reviews pre-release.

I don’t know why my answer to MrSchmitzky isn’t showing up, but what I should’ve said was “I did the story + secondary content that got me to 24” and then I was stuck grinding the same two bosses on strikes(? It’s been a while, I don’t remember the exact term). Still, the way leveling worked past 20 was a terrible way

Yeah, that was a disingenuous way of putting it. I did all the story content + secondary content that allowed me to get to 24, but after that the grinding was too much.

As someone who was there the moment the servers started running, and played for a couple of weeks, I’ve been waiting for TTK to get back to Destiny. I stopped playing because I did everything, hit 24 and my playtime was basically fighting the same two bosses again and again in the hopes RNGesus would take pity on me.

I was dissapointed by Rokka. The protagonist is very annoying, not even a handful of the characters are decent, the demon 3D is ugly and the lore is pretty generic. Couple that with *spoilers* the situation setting up the protagonist (the only person we pretty much know for sure isn’t the fake, unless a heavy handed

I must ask, is it worth going into WoW as a new player at this point? I’m considering doing so.

This backstab thing reminds me why I partially disliked DSII. It was mainly guided by PVP. “Oh, too many people using the same stuff? That’s not how we want you to play the game. Nerf on the next patch.” “Oh, PVPers don’t like backstabs? Nerf”. It’s a shame I must see my builds crippled over night because I want bugs

Please fix the stat growth and make it the Zodiac version. That’s all I ask.

Perrin, what are you doing, man?

I liked the Batmobile, but the problem is that half the time you’re Batman using the Batmobile and the other half you’re the Batmobile using Batman.

I will ricochet-grenade EVERYONE.

Can they break the tropes that make horrible character designs and dialogue, awkward expressions and gestures and wide eyed idealistic too-young-for-this MCs?

I hadn’t seen the Uncharted, but yeah Uncharted is pretty much the same, only not so depressing and gritty, with banter and more color. So overall better.

Naturally. That is the fate of every female that interacts with the main character of an harem series.