
This is annoyingly cinematic. I know this is most likely a couple of minutes out of 15-ish hours, but the breakups in the gameplay flow are too much.

Bethesda, for the love of every conceivable god, work on your facial animations. Fifteen years ago, flapping lips were a luxury, but nowadays decent animations go a long way. It has always been one of the things I’ve disliked the most about their games.

My gut reaction is that this is a terrible idea. Almost zero room to learn anything. Not to mention that the limit is that sooner or later there will be no people to play this game because anyone interested can't.

The other major change is the camera placement. In battle, the camera has always been placed somewhat at side view—reflecting the original Tales of Phantasia battle system. This means that pressing left or right would bring you closer to or further away from an enemy while up and down would make a character jump and

I'm all for short games like MGR and Bayo2 but half a dozen of hours with a ton of QTEs, unskippable cutscenes, "chapters" that are just cutscenes, a story that doesn't go anywhere and that really seems like a "one run and done" deal, I'm better off saving my money for the Bloodborne CE.

Actually, it's even worse for people who know about the manga because Samus had a whole arc there with Ridley that makes the scene in the game even worse. Also, almost everything else related to the story was bad. Samus/Adam was almost an abusive relationship, most of the monologues made little sense, and the entire

Many games force the player to make narrative-altering choices. Life is Strange's twist is that, upon reaching a juncture in the story, Max can rewind time. This means that you, the player, can try out both scenarios and then pick the one you want to stick with. It's a stroke of mechanical genius for this genre.

Paris, the city of lights and memories. But what about memories that can be shared and erased? Neo-Paris has a facelift with bright lights, huge corporations, and rebels called Errorists. Dystopias reach another level when they can shift the fabric of the collective memory, a Jungian unconsciousness subverted in favor

I didn't forget the PTSD. Samus had already met Ridley and even killed him several time by then, even more if you consider Prime cannon. Taking into account the character and story, I still think it was mishandled. Anger, surprise, panic, sure. Complete breakdown, only to be saved by someone else, who then suffers a

This is what Samus should have done in OtherM. Not stumble in fear.

"Un forastero!" and "Mierda!" are the first things that come to mind when I think of Resi 4. Great game.

Considering the amount of WiiUs now when compared to the amount of PS3s and 360s in 2009, it isn't a big surprise.

Ok, I just have to ask. Does anyone know what the music in the video is?

Grenade-Sniper combo? Did I just see them taking out a chopper with a Grenade-Sniper combo? I must have this game.

I think some comparisons are being made about the game aren't exactly fair. From the beggining I've always seen this as 85% DW and 15% Zelda, and I don't think Nintendo has in any way hyped this game or lied to make it seem something else (not that this was stated here, I'm just sayin'). I understand that just because

The greatest problem I have with Remember Me is how they seem to mistake changing memories with time travel.

Almost 12000 hours? Am I seeing that right? Damn.

Seeing as Remember Me made exactly zero sense, not holding my breath.

The problem with all of this is that Square just keeps showing that they just don't know when to let something have a peaceful death. XIII just had to go on, LR just has to go on, X had to go on, X-2 had to go on, VII had to go on, and what do we have? An unwanted crappy trilogy, Dirge of Cerberus, Advent Children,

I've always liked Dynasty Warriors and it's cousins, but no matter how many characters it had, I only ended up liking a handful, and the combo variety was very limited. Glad to see Hyrule Warriors might scratch that itch.