Extremely Biased Milk Hotel

I’m really curious about her decision to do this too. I can’t imagine being asked to get back to my lowest ED weight, which even especially low. Honestly even tracking calories can be triggering so idk why she chose to do the drastic weight loss thing.

Yep. Most of the curvy/chubby/fat folks I know, self included, have been stuck in some variation of the binge-purge-starve cycle for a really long time.

So much this. I’ve struggled with bulimia off and on for 13ish years and I don’t think I ever looked “sick” and I have mostly always been chubby.

ARTIC ZERO omfg. That’s the exact godawful brand I was thinking of. It just tastes like sad ice!

Yeah, I love Halo Top but the mint flavor sucks. Of course it’s not as good as actual ice cream, but it’s way better than other low calorie/low fat alternatives IMO.

Idk why you feel the need to be such a contrarian on this issue. It’s not this simple “block the bullies and tell your parents” fix. Adolescence is a confusing, messy time and bullying/ostracization is a super complex problem.

I had the exact same reaction.

I think you view this as a black and white issue when it really isn’t one. Sure, there are ways to block specific people on social media.

Well, yeah, but it’s not like young teens are heralded for their awesome decision making. And in the case of kids who are targeted by schoolmates, they’re likely going to have to be around them eventually.

I’m conflicted as well. While I’m sure there are problem sororities, IME fraternities were always allowed to get away with shady stuff at a much higher rate. My chapter wasn’t even allowed to host parties unless it was an explicitly philanthropic event. We also had a super strict no alcohol rule.

This was my experience, too. I went to a smallish commuter school, so I assume that insulated us from the horror stories you hear from SEC schools and the like.

Yeah, this is a huge thing. My adolescence coincided with the rise of AIM and MySpace, so I got a taste of the ever-present bullying, but I imagine it’s much more pervasive today.

I mean, I can’t know anything for sure about any celebrity. Neither can you. Or any of us, barring someone having some random connection to them.

Well he claimed Adrienne Bailon cheated on him then it came out that he actually cheated. So crying infidelity is a common tactic for him. He’s posted a bunch of nasty shit about Kim and the rest of his family. He talks about Chyna like she’s property.

I wondered this too. Rob’s tirade revealed a lot of anger and entitlement that makes me worry both for Chyna’s and Dream’s safety.

Ugh, my phone won’t let me edit, but that should say “have stopped responding”

Seeing as I haven’t even responded to that person, why exactly are you telling me to stop? I disagree with her uncharitable, misogynistic, racist read on Blac Chyna, who she presumably does not know as I person. I’m allowed to say that.

I guess I can’t speak for other commenters, but I wasn’t asking you to literally compile a list of sex-specific ailments. My point was:

I mean, I doubt they’re going to refuse to let doctors fully examine their kid for the rest of their life. Plus the only sex-specific diseases I can think of are all related to menstruation, and most people can speak to doctors themselves at that point.

I get where you’re coming from, but I tend to disagree. The whole “20 guys can you believe it?!?!” definitely seems gendered to me.