
Yeah, you’re totally right, all this “considering people’s feelings,” and “asking people not to be dicks,” is ruining America. I too worry that our nation’s children will be immeasurably weakened by a private organization asking its patrons to stop showing quite so obviously that they liked our country better when we

The big difference there is that when you say “Brazil plays this way” you’re referring to a team and/or the particular league in that country that fosters that style of play. It’s probably still reductive to say that, but it’s a relatively reasonable generalization because the national team might have had the same or

Seriously. It’s like “hey, we’ve been doing terrible, hateful shit to people for years, why not this too?”

Does...does the last guy think it’s mandatory?

Wait, gay marriage doesn’t mean the end of straight marrying?

So...White American?

And today I learned that the MLB’s official ban on women competing in the league was nullified in 1992.

I’m kinda shocked how costly it is to play Destiny. People have paid $40 since release for what sounds like some more “dungeons” (in fantasy MMO parlance) and a single raid, and Bungie wants people to pay $40 more? I don’t think WoW is a perfect game, but by comparison you get shitloads of content for your expansion

So is telling them you weigh 350 lbs and have bad knees, and you don’t have to waste a couple hours on the ASVAB.


Oh god I hadn’t even thought of it that way. That just makes my head hurt even more.

Trust me, with these guys it’s not just one girl that wouldn’t date them...

Fine art is an imperfect comparison, largely because it is now virtually the exclusive domain of the 1%, but I’ll still take Blue on Yellow over that bumper sticker of Calvin peeing any day. Ubiquity is not synonymous with artistic value, largely because the average person does not think critically about anything they

Of course Stephen King would say that, he hasn’t so much as flirted with sub-textual meaning or allegory for at least two decades.

This is categorically untrue. Discussing video games as an artistic medium is distinct from discussing them as a product. A discussion about Van Gogh’s artistry with oils, his incredible brushwork, is not the same discussion as how much an original Van Gogh’s pulls in at Sotheby’s.

I love that their options boil down to either “you eat him,” or “have someone else eat him marginally later.”

Honestly, the only situation that comes (hehe) to mind where actual emission is desirable is procreation, which I am not ready for. I guess if one (or one’s partner) really was into being cum on or in it might be an issue. I can’t help but think about how much simpler condom cleanup would be. It does still give me the

Interesting point. As a dude the idea of it makes me slightly uncomfortable (how does it even work?) but that would be a good reason for it. Though one might assume that anyone who would be willing to take a pill to prevent transmission would also be willing to wear a condom, with the opposite being true as well.

Not to mention the fact that mental illness and “insanity” in the legal sense are not synonymous. I doesn’t help anyone to equate the two.

What were they even prescribing you (rhetorical)? Many psychiatric meds take time to build a therapeutic dose. I’m more surprised that you felt better on medication in those first four weeks than I am that it didn’t do much for you afterward.