Person 1: Awful weather.
Person 1: Awful weather.
Not to mention that it’s both illegal and essentially unconstitutional to fly a Nazi flag in Germany, which is definitely a thing that should be the case for the Confederate flag. Open support of sedition and treason isn’t legal, last I checked.
Every time I go back to the US to see family (in Kentucky) I have this exact same experience. Why do people constantly try to talk to me when we’re in line for something? It’s really fucking weird. In Germany, you nod at your neighbors if you see them, maybe hit them with a mumbled “Guten Tag” and then move on. If…
All of Russia is drunker than you at any given moment.
Yeah, but you can’t land a plane in a modified dock, and you couldn’t land particularly close to port given ship/boat traffic. You would spend forever water taxiing from a couple miles out at least, which I’m not sure is even possible. Also spending that time in salt water would be ruinously expensive in maintenance…
Is it the done thing among fans to hate Reigns/Ambrose at this point? I only just started watching WWE again these past couple of weeks, but I have to say that as a recent wrestling recidivist, Roman Reigns seemed pretty solid on RAW back on June 1. I almost universally hate segments in which wrestlers speak (promo?…
The bears, presumably.
That kills me. If she uses her insurance fairly frequently (which I imagine she would, with chronic pain) then the only reason she could ever afford to have and keep it was the legions of healthy people paying into that system. Being upset by mandatory insurance requirements would be like an immune-suppressed person…
Agreed, Tricare is far from perfect, ditto for the military health-care system itself (if LRMC is anything to go by). That I would understand.
It drove me fucking nuts. Here’s this kid, in Europe on the Air Force’s dime (which for like 60% of those guys is like being a soldier without the actual defending your country, or work) and he has the bare-faced, unmitigated gall to complain about Obamacare for literally no reason. His government-funded health care…
Ugh. I work on a military base, and I was in the gym the other day, and some guy was in the locker room complaining to his buddy about Obamacare, even though he admitted to knowing nothing about it. And acknowledging that he didn’t know anything about it because he (like basically all active duty service-members) is…
The panicked bleating from these pricks every time they get fired or kicked out of their private school for being super racist on Facebook (or whatever) is like a drug, I crave it. Somebody once complained to me that the issues facing America were represented in the fact that, these days, being accused of racism was…
Welp, don’t know how that ended up going through here...
Blargh, that sucks. I see a lot of comments being some flavor of “well you shouldn’t have tried to sell it before you had the title in hand,” or the like, but I work for a financial institution and realistically speaking that’s not a common situation. The fact that you could even pay it off in cash is relatively…
Okay, so as a heterosexual white guy with something vaguely resembling a conscience, I very rarely feel like our behavior as a demographic group merits defending, but I have to take issue with Mr. Seewald’s implication that we’re all basically the creepiest of creepy fuckers just waiting for our chance to get sent…
I've added Dwayne Johnson to my list of celebrities whose awesomeness I don't want spoiled by inconvenient facts. If he's not actually the greatest I don't want to know.
Yeah, I mean, how could the makers of the Fantastic Four movie fail to listen to the legion of fans that have made the Fantastic Four book so successful that it has transcended being published.
Fair enough.