To be fair, I’m not certain you have to forget it’s a Mad Max movie. It’s not like they were fucking Transformers or something.
To be fair, I’m not certain you have to forget it’s a Mad Max movie. It’s not like they were fucking Transformers or something.
I’m not sure if I’m alone in this, but as a hetero-dude, I never felt like I was invited to leer at the women in this movie (not a criticism). I mean, there were 5 beautiful young women in basically nothing for almost the whole running time and yet I don’t recall any suggestive posing or ludicrous Michael-Baysian…
I have a hard time with the notion that victims should provide sentencing guidelines. What is “reasonable?”. Who decides? If its just a matter of the victim choosing whether someone should serve 8 years or 9, why bother with it at all? I think sentencing is an issue that needs to be addressed, especially with regard…
I have a Greek friend who informs me that in addition to inventing democracy (meh), yogurt (nope), pita bread (definitely not), the sandwich (again no) and the gyroscope (seriously?) the Greeks definitely invented being gay.
Agreed. I couldn’t possibly respect them less, so that would have to be the case.
The voicework is excellent, the story is fun and the animation is really solid. Disney is doing some pretty solid CG movies these days, even outside of Pixar (Frozen, Wreck-it Ralph, I liked Tangled a lot) so long as they aren’t based on Pixar properties (anything Cars related, basically).
How did you even get to that conclusion after reading the article? The author repeatedly notes that Mayweather is a shitheel, and isn’t even particularly complimentary of him as a fighter.
Presumably the publisher and distributor were already compensated fairly when you bought the game and the accompanying mod tools.
Bethesda, Valve, and the modder split revenue 3 ways, with the modder receiving 25%. So far as I am aware the distribution between the publisher and Valve has not been disclosed, and will likely vary.
I don’t see that being true. For one thing, paying for a mod that may eventually be superseded by another mod (that you may then have to pay for...) is going to happen, constantly, and I can’t think of any way that’s good for consumers. Then you’ve got issues with buying a mod, except functionality breaks after a game…
I am continually surprised by the amount of grudging enjoyment people take in his work. It’s all so transparently sanctimonious, by the time one of the main characters eats it, I’ve already worked myself up into a good rage about how much I hate Nicholas Sparks, his entire body of work, and the sub-genre of sappy,…
I know this is part of the joke, but I’m still a little bit stunned that her “candidacy” faces all of these “problems,” and yet lost in this shuffle of bullshit is the genuine issue of her deliberately and consistently flouting transparency and record-keeping requirements in her time as Secretary of State.
They do, but in my experience relatively few Germans own the bigger ones. Even a station wagon version of a Focus or Golf can be a pain in the ass in some of the small villages over here.
I love Tecmo’s blackmail attempt: “Don’t do things that any idiot could predict would happen, or we won’t release another shoddy PC port of our largely disdained fighting franchise! That’ll learn ya!”
If you want streamers to only be popular if they play well, then you should really take that up with the people who watch women play League of Legends badly just so they can see cleavage. Putting on a low-cut tank top doesn't magically entrance dudes away from better streamers, it just fulfills a perceived…
If you want streamers to only be popular if they play well, then you should really take that up with the people who watch women play League of Legends badly just so they can see cleavage. Putting on a low-cut tank top doesn't magically entrance dudes away from better streamers, it just fulfills a perceived demand. …
Yeah, that's why civil rights organizations and activists are so fucking loaded. I mean, the ACLU rakes in cash. And they're massively powerful thanks to all that money, which is why there were all those anti-lynching laws, and the Equal Rights Amendment got passed so quickly.
That's all well and good, but ultimately the only people who keep bad streamers with low-cut tank tops in business are their viewers. Supply only exists because there is demand. You'd be better off addressing your complaints to idiots who apparently can't figure out how to GIS with the Safe-Search off.
I can't conceive of an ARPG I'd be willing to spectate consistently for any significant period of time, regardless of whether or not I got to do the least interesting things about ARPGs (assigning talent points) while doing so.
So your argument is that our Supreme Court is so wholly divorced from the machinations of American politics that a bunch of Danes should feel obligated to manufacture a toy representing 4 members of a foreign high court. Yeah, that holds together.