
I think if you talk to just about any of the living pilots who have made it through really dangerous in-air accidents/issues, they’ll basically all say that having a co-pilot (or even more personnel) on hand was absolutely instrumental to making it through.

Basically, imagine if Frank Pembleton got promoted to Captain eventually, and also he’s fucking hilarious.

I want to be clear that I’m not trying to defend any of the currently extant Sonic or Mario movie adaptations, but story-bare platformers are tailor-made for kids movies. They have a single inciting event (Robotnik is trying to make animals into robots, Peach gets kidnapped by Bowser, King Dedede is doing things with

High real estate prices in 2009 weren’t driven by demand, they were driven by speculation. Vast quantities of housing sat empty, awaiting buyers at vastly inflated prices, until the collapse of the market sent many of those speculators (and many of their investors and those invested in financial products derived from

The data indicates that most people who are homeless and have drug problems aren’t homeless because of their addictions, they have addictions because they are homeless.

4.5 stars, very informative as TED talks go, but a little short.

This movie is such frustrating self promotion. Burton was an Air Force Colonel, and therefore perhaps unsurprisingly was not an expert on armored warfare, and furthermore was not a proponent of the tank on the modern battlefield in general. He also was on the record describing radar, IR sensors, and associated guided

They cut the Verdugo fight from the remake? Wow, that’s honestly kinda weird as I remember that part pretty fondly. They actually give you the rocket launcher before that fight in the original, and I think it’s a really good example of the game giving you an extremely limited resource and basically daring you to hold

It’s inexcusable how badly we do trains in the US. A train journey isn’t the best way to make every trip, but right now there’s a huge gap in American transit that is being filled inefficiently by cars and/or planes. And bringing our public transit up to the standard of somewhere like Japan or Spain wouldn’t just be

As the article makes clear, the translation is difficult to judge because we never really see it. Really good localization teams, like this team for Yakuza/LaD, or the FFXIV team, or Nintendo’s in-house team, are effectively writers as much as they are translators. They do have the advantage of working from what is

I think it’s important to note that Nascar isn’t an apples to apples comparison, given that it’s currently running 38 races every year. There have been almost 2700 top level Nascar races, so you’re looking at very rough average of 1 death per 90 races. Conversely, the Reno Air Race has been an annual event for 59

It’s transparently a way to offload the time and costs of training onto employees (and prospective employees) rather than have employers provide that training. The information might be useful, but the system itself is a transparent scam even before they spend their ill-gotten gains putting a boot on the necks of

Especially given that we did it for a while with the New Deal and it was massively successful. We’re experts at forgetting how things work if they don’t make some asshole money.

You are a monster.

It is genuinely appalling to me that Musk took the atmospheric railway, dressed it up with 700 mph monorails and people still went for it. Strapping two gadgetbahns together does not make a functional system!

I have to say: bravo. A theme account dedicated to genuine acts of sophistry is some fucking avant garde shit, and for that you should be commended. I don’t know what it cost you time-and/or-soul-wise to publicly abuse the discipline of epistemology in that way, but I think it’s worth it.

With the same “anecdotally” preface: I’ve known a lot of folks who worked as servers, and no one has ever copped to doing anything to a customer’s food, even a shitty one. In general I think it’s just not worth getting shitcanned and/or more seriously in trouble for.

Yeah, but the Inventory is the marketing department, which gets space on the page thanks to the Herb.  Koyaku editorial can't do anything about that, nor do they have any hand in choosing what they post.

Agreed on all points, as a piece of art that is nominally anti-colonialist (lotta thinly veiled Iraq War metaphors in there) “Dances with Aliens” is kind of a weird choice as far as story structure goes.

A big part of keeping those cases numbers down, and any infections less severe, is vaccination, so GDQ rightly mandates it for attendance at the event, which they would not be able to do in Florida. I know they went with a smaller, socially distanced model for SGDQ this year as well, which I’m sure they would like to