
They really should be putting together a Captain Marvel movie. Hell, make it a buddy flick, drop Kamala Kahn in there too.

"We don't speak."

That's probably a good strategy. The phrase "trying to set up a rape dungeon," isn't something you want to break out at a nice brunch. That really seems like after dinner drinks kinda conversation.

Horrifying yes, but at least you have a good explanation. Whenever people ask me why I don't talk to members of my family all I've got is "because they're terrible."

Why do we insist on calling it "games journalism"? Only a fraction of the writing done about games is journalism in the traditional sense of the word. Hands on previews, impressions posts, reviews of games, and the vast majority of "social justice" writing are essays, editorial/opinion or criticism, none of which

To be fair, even if the UK had more centers that offered proton beam treatment, I'm not aware of any clinical research that has conclusively confirmed the theoretical advantages you're referring to, so standard radiation would be the expected and reasonable alternative.

The cop might be telling the truth, but our nation's history of racism and law enforcement's part in that cast it as less likely than the narrative of other witnesses. The officer shot Brown 6 times, none apparently from close range, then his body was left in the street for hours while officers failed to call EMS.

That's not an argument for dismantling our public education system, it's actually an argument for strengthening it and ensuring that schools are provided the resources necessary to assist kids who work above or below the mean. Kids all over the country have families without the knowledge and/or resources to

The reason that broad oversight and standards are necessary, is that society has no way of guaranteeing that you or anyone else "aren't the folks people need to worry about" without at least periodically verifying that this is the case.

It's wonderful that things worked out for your partner, but the fact that his family wouldn't have been able to let him mess with computers until he learned to read isn't actually a good argument for leaving home-schooling unregulated. The first and most absolutely critical concern is that, as Hsf pointed out,

Yeah, I think we err too much on the side of parental rights in general when it comes to kids. Depending on every individual to make basically sound parenting choices isn't really a good strategy.

Fuckin' A, that's so ridiculous. My only real experience with the system is with home-schooled kids joining the overseas US schools on military bases. According to my mother (a school psychologist) they could turn in "records written on a paper napkin" and the DoD schools would have to take them, because there was

Administration of education is done at the state level, so the reqs for homeschooling curriculae vary by state, as do reqs for record keeping and independent verification.

I for one hope America never embraces the wagon. If they do, I'll never be able to tell the Americans from the Germans over here, so I won't know which cars will fail to signal when turning and/or randomly change lanes. I'll be consumed by uncertainty as to whether the person cruising in the left lane 10 km/h slower

Real talk folks: my Kindle library is like 99% romance novels, and I have a lot of Kindle books.

Agreed. I don't think there's anything coherent about the MRA "ideology" (if you can really call it that). There's not a grand plan, they just want everything to be exactly the same as it was when they started to become aware of the status quo. It's conservatism, they see changes that force them to face a slightly

Kickstarter doesn't have the ability to refund pledges, even for fraudulent/botched campaigns. Those seeking refunds should ask their credit card companies or bank about completing a dispute. Generally you can retrieve funds that way. Otherwise you basically have to hope that the creator refunds people, or seek

Large German cities in general have great public transport. Cologne has transport at least as solid as Frankfurt's, in my experience (and I've been to both within the last 6 months). The most interesting part is that, unlike Paris or NYC or London, they almost operate on the honor system. You can buy a one-way


That's an excellent description. Nerfing Zoo would essentially require a complete change in the level of power and efficiency associated with creatures. If the designers really see it as an issue, then really the only step to take at this point is likely to enhance or create additional removal options for other