
Pistorius, and he didn't actually win any medals in an able-bodied event. His participation in the Olympics was subject to review due to his prosthetic legs, but ultimately it was decided that they possessed advantages and disadvantages that roughly cancelled each other out over the course of the race.

Zoo's lack of complication isn't an indictment of the deck, it's actually its strongest feature, and it was clearly designed with that in mind. Looking at a good Zoo list tells you that the designer put a great deal of thought into how to build a deck that would provide an incredible amount of consistency. You

Word. Frankly I think that the game developers made a huge mistake by deliberately eschewing resource denial possibilities like mana denial and forced discard mechanics. Supposedly this decision was made because the mechanics weren't "fun," but I can guarantee that 1 out of every 2 Hearthstone players ends a match

Well, given how rich you'd need to be to own one: wherever the fuck you wanted. I'd keep mine on land and live in it there. Or maybe in a man-made pond on my estate.

Assuming that wasn't rhetorical: you definitely should be more ashamed of that.

Well, to be fair, we are talking about the Rams. It's doubtful they have much experience as an organization with having large numbers of people pay any attention to them whatsoever.

Okay, so your argument is that the character isn't racist despite being racially insensitive and offensive (basically the textbook definition of racism) because other films have been more racist, and/or Michael Bay understands the nuances of racial stereotyping well enough to accidentally drag himself within spitting

Seriously, what's the point otherwise?

To be fair to Chuck, I think Zachary Levi did a good job (in the first season, at least) of acting socially inept and weird enough that I could at least somewhat buy into the notion that he wasn't dating a lot, despite his good looks. Also, I was not impressed with his hair.

Justice League and the rest of the earlier DCU animated series are (rightly) beloved, but I have to admit that I may like Young Justice better overall than Justice League. It certainly had its issues, but it also established interesting main and supporting characters with character arcs that involved genuine change.

Young Justice is fantastic. It's criminal that they cancelled it after the 2nd season.

I hate you and everything you stand for.

Well, it is what anno domini means, and I assume the govt still uses the BC/AD nomenclature, but I do think it would be fun to see "in this, the 2014th year of the Common Era" in a presidential proclamation.

"I watched cartoons as a kid and turned out fine, ergo educational TV programming has no value to anyone, ever"

That movie is completely, tremendously, catastrophically underrated. Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Edward James Olmos, and an Elton John soundtrack? Hell yeah.

Since my childhood was basically defined by my local PBS station (Sesame Street, Mr. Roger's, Reading Rainbow, etc.) I am so in. They're already past the million mark, under 12 hours in.

Wait—what? But I just sold off everything I own and traded in all my money for gold bullion that I buried in my backyard. All I have left now is this Bear Grylls bug out bag and a draft of my manuscript "She Carried a Rainbow of Hope: Surviving Robot Armageddon." (Shut up, it's a working title.)

Actually that's a perfect solution. If my manager and everyone above him were replaced by chat-bots, I'd probably get more done and have a better time doing it. 90% of the time all they do is yammer on inconsequentially, with the robots at least I'd have the pleasure of knowing the resulting bullshit can't possibly

He was on Wait, wait don't tell me a few weeks back and he was amazing. No surprise there I guess. I feel like he's just playing a slightly more outsized version of himself on the show, and I love it.

Sure, it's just like Tebow. Excepting that the media attention around him didn't stop a team from drafting him 25th overall.