My mother prefers to order her steak "Slap it on the ass and send it out."
My mother prefers to order her steak "Slap it on the ass and send it out."
Yeah, I guess. My response to anyone asking if they should read Twilight is "No, because it is terrible and if you like it then you are terrible and you should feel terrible about your terribleness."
You're totally right, the bottled lime juice margarita is vastly better than what is passed off as "margarita" mix. Once you hit the mixes it's no longer a margarita, it's just a vaguely alcohol flavored lime drink.
I think it's a slippery slope thing. Like you said, making a good margarita isn't hard. Ice in a shaker, in goes a solid 100% agave tequila, fresh lime juice, and (depending on your taste) maybe orange liqueur or agave nectar. Shake, serve. The issue is that when you only have like three ingredients, if you wimp…
You did what had to be done, I respect that.
Is there data suggesting that mandatory sentencing minimums for sex crimes increase reporting?
I agree with you, but I don't like that I do. I'd love to live in a country where we wouldn't have to do something like what you suggest, but as much as I don't think mandatory minimums will do much to change the biases of asshole judges, I agree that masking them by forcing sentences is better than nothing.
I can't think of any drinks more tainted by shitty casual dining chains than the margarita and the daquiri. As if Mexico and Cuba needed additional reasons to think we suck.
Provided that you left your previous employment on good terms, can you be in any way compelled to reveal that you took a buyout? Is your previous employer allowed to say so, especially unprompted? So far I've only had one "real" job (my current one) but I know that our HR department generally restricts themselves to…
Agreed, keeping around unhappy people is just going to foster resentment, on the employee's part and the employers, and if that goes on too long it's just going to end poorly all around. Obviously depending on the job and income associated with it the "buy-out" would probably need to scale up to make it a reasonable…
I mean, maybe, but does it really matter? If their plan was "our advertising should target reasonable people who support the happiness of others, and if it could troll a bunch of assholes at the same time that would be good," then I'm pretty okay with that.
God I really do miss "Don't Trust the B—— In Apt. 23" That main cast was just so perfect.
I too like it when ads pander to me by assuming that I'm a good person who likes to see other people be happy, regardless of their differences from me personally. It's good business without being ethically bankrupt. I'm on-board with that.
Off the top of my head: Bailey's Mint Chocolate and Bourbon. 1:1, poured over ice and stirred.
So gar as I am aware, no law mandates that public schools provide any student press at all. I would be genuinely stunned I if the reaction to this hypothetical free student press wasn't a drastic reduction in the number of schools with student newspapers.
I'm inclined to agree, though it's still not good enough for me to want to watch it on a regular basis. The only part of the show I really unreservedly enjoyed was the humor derived from Ichabod's confusion with present day devices and social mores.
It would be even more noteworthy if the show were less terrible.
Seriously! I don't even follow TPP and I enjoy these little updates.
Never mind, sleepy and phrasing questions badly.
Watching infants cough until they can't breath due to whooping cough, even just on video, is hands down one of the top 5 most heart-breaking things I have ever seen in my entire fucking life. To borrow a phrase I see around here a lot: I cannot even with this stuff. I'm generally one of those "I don't cry in…