
That's undoubtedly true, the NFL would prefer not to acknowledge a wider issue, but the statement "yes, this is bad, but what about the context" or variations thereof are inherently minimizing. It implies that the viciousness of his actions is somehow diminished by the "context" in which they occurred.

Who is advocating for the idea that Incognito is the only problematic player in the league, or that we should only worry about the Dolphins? How is this report, and the response to it here, diminishing focus on the NFL's systemic issues? If the responses here are too focused on Incognito for your taste, what would

Nothing about saying that this conduct is vicious and unacceptable diminishes the need to ensure this doesn't happen elsewhere. They aren't mutually exclusive goals. In fact, the main issue with statements like "Sure this is awful, but what is the context?" is the "but." We should be talking about how awful this

I said this elsewhere, but I desperately want him to come back and have an absolutely epic next season, with the Seahawks winning the Super Bowl with like 2 Sherman Pick-6's or something equally improbable. And the whole time I want him to talk more trash than Muhammad Ali.

Richard Sherman injured is a definite bummer though. I really like watching him play, and in general wouldn't wish bodily harm on anyone. Also, I now have to see all those racists - I mean "sportsmanship enthusiasts" - on Twitter crowing about him being hurt. Yeah, that makes everyone think you're a good person.

The only cloud in my current universe of silver linings is Richard Sherman's injury. Both because it's an injury to an excellent athlete who I enjoy watching play, and because it's an excuse for a bunch of slack-jawed morons to crow about how it was "karma." One presumes that the lack of a professional setback (a

Yeah, A & C here too.

It irks me somewhat that she paired anyone up. I understand why, you need to sell books, but I'm still irritated by the impulse of seemingly every YA author to pair up all their 18 year old characters (permanently, too, generally) by the end of a series, like they're animals and someone's building an ark. It's an

I must admit, I do generally prefer the cheap car challenges that they play relatively straight, but I loved this episode partly because, by the end, it's really just a British live-action Looney Tunes episode. When Hammond crossed the line in the supermarket, I nearly peed my pants.

You cannot frost a pie, therefore pie cannot be as good as cake. When you find a pie you can smear cream cheese frosting on, then we'll talk.

Okay, we disagree regarding how significant her gender status was to her fraud. I agree with you that she did not change her gender with the intent of committing the fraud, but that change did substantively aid her in concealing her previous identity and lack of qualifications, and I think it provides necessary

Even if I subscribed to the notion that Hannan's report was the sole cause of Vanderbilt's suicide, Hannan could not be expected to predict that reaction. Nor could we be certain that her reaction would have been different had her fraud been revealed by the criminal investigation that it would have been Hannan's moral

I have a hard time taking seriously the argument that a journalist should have closed the door on a story exposing criminal fraud in order to assuage potential hurt feelings on the part of someone who knowingly attracted investors and marketed a product based on that fraud.

In addition to agreeing with you wholeheartedly, Mr. Howard, I'd also like to note that I frankly loved that post-game interview. Mr. Sherman may not have Ali's epic gift for shit-talking, but I got shades of Ali from that. Anyone bitching and moaning about sportsmanship and selfishness should start watching a sport


Wait, you mean his life won't be irreparably shattered by this decision? Well then fuck that mercenary sonofabitch, how dare he make a decision that not only makes a good point in an amusing, visible way, but also benefits him professionally! Motherfucker's basically like some kind of war profiteer or some shit!

I feel like this comic, interesting as it is, profoundly misunderstands the reality of primitive life. Ecosystems don't reach equilibrium because (for example) all the lions realize they have to regulate their consumption of antelope for the sake of "balance." A dollop of climate change, some geographical

Apparently the algorithm is so advanced it's developed the ability to think laterally, along with a sense of humor.

It's like an enigma, wrapped in a mystery, gently cradled in a pathetically mercenary, desultorily performed sex act.

Leaving aside whether or not he's a worthwhile human being, am I the only one who just doesn't find Adam Levine attractive?