
Well, if she's being honest, presumably she was going to say that she knows more about actively being racist than many other reasonable people.

I honestly hate it that I agree with you. I'm no fan of vigilante justice, or Anonymous in general, but when I compare them to the cops investigating this, I can't help but see them as by far the lesser of two evils. They're no angels, but given the choice between their brand of justice and none at all? I'll take

I vote we hit Ms. Hilton with imaginary numbers until she puts the genie back in the bottle.

Not to be "that guy" but you're using the phrase "statistically insignificant" incorrectly, and you're also using the wrong data for comparison purposes. Vastly more people travel by car vastly more often than by general aviation, so a comparison of highway deaths to GA deaths in absolute terms isn't meaningful.

Weee! New, incredibly expensive ships with capabilities designed around wars we'll never fight, built for a Navy that could be half the size it is and still face down the next 4-5 (or more) largest navies of the world and laugh.

There's only so much he and whatever heirs he may have will be able to do to protect his work. Odds are that the rights will eventually fall to someone willing to part with them for the right figure.

Based on what assessment would you say that American awareness of the cost of slavery is "at maximum"? Seriously, I want to know what about our national conversation about racism and its history in our country (or the lack thereof) has you convinced that most Americans acknowledge and are informed about the reality

I think the real issue is that no one here believes that statement is true.

This is a really interesting perspective on games in general, especially given that I imagine PTSD is probably more common (and more well known) in US society than it has been in years (if ever).

We'll just tell them that Costa Rica will be the first US territory to have nationalized health care, and they'll all run off to Bolivia, or whatever other Central American hellhole will allow them to ship in their gold bullion.

I would absolutely have taken effing Alchemy instead of AP Chem. Fuck you organic chem! Can your heptane match up to my Philosopher's Stone?

I totally get it. It's easy to see how a massively significant scientific theory that is constantly forcing us to reevaluate our perception and understanding of the universe can't compete with "Surprise! Some people that lived with other people for years and years picked up a few of their stories."

Is persuasion really a thing? The evidence is available and constantly referred to. If that doesn't convince someone, why would being super nice about how fucking ridiculous they are make any difference?

Little known fact: Long before the Revolution, Napoleon planned his "invasion" of Russia as a giant 19th century Gay Pride Parade from Corsica all the way to Moscow. When he ultimately became leader of the French he apparently looked around and thought "Meh, close enough."

You know, I didn't really meet (originally misspelled this as "meat," Freudian much?) any burly dudes when I was in Russia. Mostly they were either portly or rail-thin. It's like someone didn't want people to get worried about things moving too fast in post-Communism Russia, so they decided to preserve the part

My only issue with this is the assless chaps. As much as we'd all love to see that, you're talking about Russia in the winter. Admittedly, it's not as bad as most people make it out to be, because it's vastly, soul-crushingly worse. It's genitalia-freezing cold all over the fucking place, every other building looks

I'm pretty in love with the way it looks, I agree. It certainly looks more exciting than the 599, in my opinion.

Of course you would, you're part of a group that is constantly and virulently racist against white people and dedicated to a culture that glorifies violence and spectacle.

So any "good" practitioner of an art that has universally attracted either charlatans or entertainers (or some combination thereof) will tell you that dowsing is a form of self-hypnosis that allows the gullible to believe that they are discovering something due to their (non-existent) subconscious knowledge of, let's

There have been lots of studies on dowsing. And ESP. And loads of other psychic/mystical hokum.