
What's the matter with expecting him to be professional? Many indie developers trade on their name as a way to get people interested in their next project. When you've tied your name to your company like that, anything you say on Twitter, Facebook, etc. has the potential not just to affect you personally, but

I guess my issue is that when someone tweets that you should suck on his dick and choke on it, or says that Japanese games suck, it's hard to take his criticism of toxic game consumers seriously. Those kind of comments are so similar to the comments he apparently hates so much. If he is sincere in his belief that

Is it possible for this episode to be any more pathetic for both parties involved? It's obvious that Beer is basically a "journalist" in the same way Geraldo Rivera is a journalist. Judging by his behavior here he seems to manufacture his own stories by doing ridiculous things and then covering the reaction to those

I live near Kaiserslautern, that's about a 6 hour drive from Munich. Just bring it on over, hand me the keys, and I'll give it back to you (potentially even in one piece!) in 30 hours.

Ms. Ryan, you have engaged in the most vicious libel against a pastry I have ever known. The "deeply flawed scone," indeed! I demand satisfaction! Pistols at dawn in Green Park, or will you compound your perfidy with cowardice? Either way, I shall ensure you are never again received at White's!

Agreed, if you're being turned down for credit, canvassing various banks and requesting reconsideration is only going to incur further inquiries on your credit report(s).

Describe to me the procedure you would use to conclusively disprove the existence of the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and or Tooth Fairy. All three of those are characters whose "existence" for children is primarily maintained by keeping them out of sight nearly constantly, and protesting any actual understanding of,

Hmmm. Didn't go that far back in the conversation. I need another drink.

So far my favorite has been Mr. Cain's deeply euphemistic acknowledgement that "the discourse here has been less than civil."

My issue was that every 72-hour figure.

Speaking of staying classy, this guy is fucking ice-cold on Twitter. I've never, ever seen so many reasonable responses to so much loathsome, disgusting vitriol. At one point he euphemistically says that "the discourse here has not been civil."

Not ever Perlman. The weak link would be between Hunman and Kikuchi, but I honestly think that if their characters (and indeed, large portions of the movie) had been better written, no one would really be saying that.

So...if a woman isn't sober, it's open season on rape? Your analogy sucks, and your attitude is just victim blaming.

Personal accountability? Why would you hold someone accountable for an action that is not ethically wrong? Getting blackout drunk is (apparently) risky behavior for women these days, but there's no element of accountability there. If a guy got blackout drunk, then passed out on his couch and woke up the next

Word. I work on an Air Force Base overseas (not in the military, but civilian associated with it) and have often heard people remark at air show type deals about how surprising it is that the technology in the cockpits looks so outdated. If people knew how much QA and redundancy and etc. went into those systems,

Basically any modern fighter utilizing "fly-by-wire" is designed to be aerodynamically unstable. That's why they put so much time and effort into the computer systems, because without them you don't get stable flight.

It goes right along with all that "She's basically a bro but with boobs" crap with Ronda Rousey. Dana White believes (one assumes correctly) that his audience is mainly young to middle-aged white guys who are comfortable watching people beat the shit out of each other regardless of the color of their skin, but don't

So he was blatantly and rudely discriminatory about someone's nationality. That makes it okay!

I still haven't really been able to communicate the concept of resolution vs. physical screen dimension yet, so trying to move on from there into scaling is a definite no-go.

I see you've met my parents.