
Well, iTunes (for example) only allows you to de-authorize individual computers *from that computer*, so if you don't do it before you sell it, you have to de-authorize all of the PCs linked to that account, rather than just the one. That's not cataclysmic by any means, but taking a few minutes to de-authorize the

VOTE: Dell U3011

At that size, it seems pretty unlikely that you'll get much beyond the standard 1920x1200, at least in the near future. Apple's Thunderbolt Display is 27'', and there doesn't seem to be much motivating a move to a smaller size with a higher resolution (a "Retina" Thunderbolt display, if you will).

So...a bunch of teams in sports where people couldn't make much money anyway are doing well? And we're surprised these kids are graduating? Who even watches college volleyball?

Almond butter may be my absolute most favorite thing in the universe. Unless there is such a thing as pecan butter, in which case I may need to lie down.

I agree that XCOM is primarily about a narrative that you create yourself through gameplay, and I don't think that this DLC is going to do anything to change that. It sounds like it just adds a little bit of narrative to the experience at a (hopefully) random point in your progression.

I read your previous post. My point was simply that the desire to believe, without any evidence to suggest that belief would be reasonable, is evidence of some gullibility. I didn't necessarily mean to imply that that the OP was gullible, nor did I mean to imply that you were a believer.

Isn't the desire to believe in phenomena like this somewhat gullible? I mean, there's no scientific basis for the powers a medium claims to have, there's no history of them being correct about essentially anything important. If ignoring that and hoping for the abilities of a medium to be real isn't gullible, I don't

I doubt any of the more popular ones do. Cold reading can take concentration and skill, and hot reading is just straight out fraud. If they believe they're the real deal, it's because of a staggering level of self-deception, not because they're "accidentally" cold reading people.

Is there another kind? I mean, why would you pay 400 dollars for half an hour with this woman when you could spend less on a perfectly qualified therapist and resolve your issues with grief in a much healthier way?

Or stock tips. Or maybe someone could find a way to get in touch with Jimmy Hoffa so that I could really show Geraldo who's boss.

Word. It's never like "I'm really sorry about that time I yelled at you for eating all the Cheerios and it was actually your sister, I should have believed you," or "Sell your Apple stock, I've been talking to Steve Jobs up here and he says some serious shit might go down with this Foxconn thing."

Did you know that whenever you make up a statistic you always use .37%

How is this even a question? Mediums, faith healers and psychics have been staples of charlatans for centuries, and it's sure as hell not because people can actually do any of the things they claim to be capable of.

Well, the difference between mediums that charge for their readings and those that don't isn't that one is a fraud and the other isn't, the former is just more harmful than the latter.

You're a gullible idiot.

The problem isn't necessarily Antec's workmanship, which in general is solid, but that the case design is inconceivably ancient in comparison to more recent boxes. Antec has recently released the P280 and the Eleven Hundred, both cases I would consider very solid, but the 900 is largely still selling based on its

Just wanted to pop in here to bemoan the popularity of the Antec 900, which I would consider to be one of the worst values in PC cases today. The design was impressive when it released, admittedly, but it's no longer competitive and the damn thing is still selling like hotcakes, apparently.

Well, given that the latter half of the series is needlessly bizarre and intentionally impenetrable to comprehension, I'm not sure "Hollywood" could really make it any *more* fucked up.

Cooler Master HAF XM.