Because, as far as I can tell, 2/3 school board members are massive assholes.
Seriously? Amber Tamblyn and David Cross? Seriously?
Who is cutting like a jillion onions over here?
Ugh. I watched the pilot and just couldn't stick with the show. The ridiculous premise drives me nuts (electricity stops working, but only in a very specific way that sets up our story!) and I don't buy sword fights and muzzle-loaders in a world where the huge number regular guns in America would still work just…
Exactly. Of course, it mainly works fine because people actually obey road laws and don't pass on the right, and truck drivers stay out of the passing lane. In the 'States they tend to do whatever the hell they want.
Was what they did against the rules?
Because apparently the obvious difference in proportion and design of the armor doesn't scream "I'm a girl!" enough.
You're envisioning some kind of hilarious alternate universe where the terms "free market" mean that industry won't ever try to influence government to, say, alter laws or make laws that will allow them to pollute more. What's the perfect world, we develop fusion power plants because utilities are worried about…
The free-market won't ensure net neutrality, in fact ISPs are the biggest threats to it. The free market does an astonishingly shitty job of maintaining the environment. If you don't stop people from doing so, there's nothing to prevent them from dumping waste on property they own. That's why regulations and laws…
To what end? There's nothing the Ouya does that you couldn't do with a Nexus 7 tablet hooked to your TV. And then you'd also have a tablet. Even if Ouya does somehow differentiate itself from the shit-ton of Android devices you can already hook up to your TV with ease, what value is there for Valve to jump in on…
Widening the existing Steam app into a portal for mobile games (or mobile versions of some games like the Monkey Island stuff) is a possibility, I guess, but I see it as unlikely. There's already an app store and it's more convenient for developers of Android games to go through that system anyway, especially given…
Man, now you're just creep, creep-ing me out.
How do you figure? For example, how is killing the "search everything" feature on Android going to foster innovation? Do you know of a way to search the contents of the phone and the internet that doesn't count as a search of the contents of the phone and the internet?
Are you sure you've seen SportsCenter? I wouldn't describe it or any of its anchors as funny and/or witty. I swear to god a part of me dies every time I see Kenny Mayne on television. I'm hoping one day it'll kill the part of me that considers murdering Scott Van Pelt to be immoral.
Couldn't one very easily avoid that by not screwing around on Jalopnik and doing one's job? I mean, does Jalopnik have a professional use that I'm not aware of that demands that comments be work-safe? Or, you know, just don't read the COTD at work, problem solved.
To be fair to the author, it's a valid question. How long can you watch someone fuck themselves up before you either just stop watching, or stop caring?
The fact that they aren't soldiers doesn't make their lives less valuable, or less worth consideration. Yes, people are willing to risk their long term health and happiness for the shot and glory and money that the NFL offers, and I'm not sure we can or should stop them from doing so, but it doesn't make watching…
Oh this can only end extraordinarily poorly.