
You know, I actually *do* want this. I mean, they'd probably have to do something about the incredibly campy costuming and villains, but the conceit isn't actually that far off from a very solid TV show: small-town teenagers dragged by a powerful, shadowy being into a war far beyond their understanding? Sounds like

Well now I certainly can't.

That sounds like some weapons-grade projection there, my friend.

I would rather get hit by 2 trains than use Safari.

My understanding is that an ellipses within quotations like that means that there was intervening language they didn't wish to include. Admittedly it might change the complexion of things ("A system and method...using these 3 lines of code in Java...for preventing unauthorized access to electronic data stored on an


Yeah, it's not like CERN has done much to advance scientific knowledge. It's a black hole, that.

It's a noted characteristic of boson's that they are often huge dicks about taking other people's parking spots. My bet is that another boson got pissed that the Higgs Boson was getting literally deified and decided to steal some of that thunder.

Thirded. I'm so damn tired of seeing it in headlines.

Agreed, but there is "Tennessee Whiskey" (Jack Daniels is considered one, I believe) which has its own definition (the filtering process is the primary distinguishing factor), and "Bourbon."

Made with bronze, beyatch.

It reminds me of a Bolo story in one of the many anthologies Baen put together. Scene much like this, but on a beach and a giant AI tank instead of a giant mech/robot. The tank holds a conversation with some beach goers all while hacking into the computers of an incoming hostile armada and redirecting it back home.

Actually, from what I can tell, it seems like the objective is to find an angle that most people *won't* like, so that they have to adjust the screens to their position and interact with the machine.

The martini has been brutalized. It's gin and vermouth. You can get one dry, or have a Churchill Martini (drinking gin while looking at a bottle of vermouth) but an actual martini is gin, vermouth, and an olive to garnish.

Probably a bit too, well, British to make this list.

There is no prompting. A particular sub-group of this type of plant experienced a mutation that, coincidentally, produced this (or a predecessor to this) chemical effect, and thus was more likely to survive. Over time, that advantage accumulates, additional mutations further increase the likelihood of survival, and

I have to disagree with you here. I've never run into a situation where 256GB of storage on my laptop would be genuinely limiting. If you're at home, you should have networked storage or external drives to store loads of stuff. On the go, I've never needed more than 256GB of storage to keep myself occupied. If you

So a creepy, sanctimonious hypocrite hits on a beautiful person who also happens to be somewhat terrible herself.

Brandishing a weapon at a police officer is a crime.

The plural of anecdote is not data, especially given that you cite no sources indicating that no cop has ever been killed by their "Tazer Initiation". Additionally, all cops are adults, they're employed and have benefits and thus are unlikely to be malnourished or otherwise compromised, health-wise. I can't imagine