
Only criminals run from the police? Are you shitting me? Tons of people who haven't done a damn thing run from cops, because cops are often power-mad asshats who seem to leave deciding what crime to arrest you for until *after they've already arrested and/or shot you*. I'm not a person of color, but I feel very

Oh yeah, way to use that last paragraph to make it all better.

If their only interest was protecting our rights, why would they consistent and constantly violate this woman's rights and those of her family? I'm not convinced Anonymous has an ideology, anarchical or otherwise. The way they do business is essentially nihilistic, with no structure, accountability, or coherent

That's such a damned good observation. So obvious to me now that you've said it, and yet I had never thought of it that way.

I think it's also partly that there's been some serious media focus recently on suicides among gay young men as a result of bullying, so when one thinks "anti-bullying" one links it with Tyler Clementi or Matthew Shephard.

Speaking as a socially awkward math nerd, I'd probably just have given my neighbor a high five in the hallway.

Actually, unexploded WW2 ordnance (even some WW1) isn't that unusual in Europe (for obvious reasons). So much of it flew around that there's really not a lot to do but dispose of it as its found.

They go great with bnans.

Ugh. We finally have reached the point where scientific knowledge is so devalued in America that a stage show developed in the thousands of years ago to fleece and terrify people is now eligible to be "reality" tv. Ghost hunting, ancient aliens, Mayan prophecies...

Well it takes (or at least it should take) significant time and training to be able to use a gun (which is roughly on the same level of danger as, say, being a human flamethrower) but even so, we don't let people walk around waving their guns around. People with guns are not a privileged class over those without.

Virtually everyone dies needlessly. That was part of what made him the most authentically tragic casualty in that movie. Seriously, how does the sentence "He would never die in a needless way like that." even make any sense? Your vision of the character can manipulate time and space to ensure that he only dies in a