How to fix Monaco (and F1 racing in general) :
How to fix Monaco (and F1 racing in general) :
Russians are cooler than we are. They’re just cooler
I can’t decide if these editors notes are serious attempts at gaslighting or if Amar is just Ryan Lochte’s blogger pen name
I think this trend needs to be called Paul Newmanning
If they end the season in sole possession of the third-worst record, they’ll have a 56 percent chance of landing in the top three in the lottery. If they end in sole possession of the second-worst record, they’ll have a 47 percent chance.
Car fuel can melt steel beams!
I think the worst part of this story is that you leased a Neon.
The dumbest shit I modded my car with was my ex-husband.
The F1 isn’t a McLaren - it’s God incarnate.
I can understand not being a fan of the new generation of McLarens... but... the F1?
Putting the high in Hilux.
Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.
It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.
How about taking a good look at that 25-year ban on foreign imports Donald? Maybe cut it to 5 or 10 at least?
Me: 16 years old