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    And make it an real adventure game, not just a walk around and hit a QTE every two minutes game. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a good tell tale game - and Tales From the Borderlands was extraordinary - but they stopped being actual, fully interactive games a long time ago.

    It's a reference to a running joke in the Comedy Bang! Bang! audio podcast, not Annyong in arrested development.

    Hang on, man.

    The Secret Service these days is basically the real life version of Jimmy Mcnulty -
    Getting incredibly drunk every night, attempting to drive home with a hooker but inevitably crashing their car into a pole, and then proceeding to have sex with said hooker, leaning over the crashed car and holding onto the pole

    Metal Gear Ghostbusters V: The Phantom Note

    Nah, it will totally be fine. I guarantee it.

    Well, everyone knows that this is a "Great job, internet!" - what my book presupposes is… maybe it isn't?

    Wow, you're really getting into the christmas spirit
    *snaps fingers*

    *Clears throat for terrible Oprah impression*

    Didn't Sony almost fully fund the development of Bloodborne? I can't imagine it'll ever get to PC/XB1 because, like Bayonetta 2, it only exists at all because of Sony.

    Really? That's funny, because Gasciogne was never one of my hard bosses. There are some other bosses (I don't want to spoil anything for you) that gave me a much harder time - he only took me a few tries my first time through, and I defeated him my first try on my second playthrough.
    You've gotta stay fast and keep

    *Tim Olyphant stands by silently, knowing that he would be a fantastic candidate to play Indy.

    Kojima's just on one super fucking long vacation, so sure!

    I just wanted to reply by saying that I think it's absurd to discuss topics in an internet forum. The only thing that replies have to offer is the continued existence of the original comment thread, and nothing more.

    I know this is a big request, but do you have change for a "Starbucks wants to destroy Christianity!!"? It's probably worth the equivalent of over 100 "Liberal media"s.

    I'll see your July, and raise you January 1st.

    Wait, it's a currency now??
    I'll trade you my "OhBAMA is a kenyan muslim!" if you give me "Planned parenthood drinks baby milkshakes!"

    And may I add, a very important detail:

    Unless Jack Donaghy is secretly tanking ABC - that makes sense.

    If only Parks & Rec was still on the air, Mike Huckabee could've appeared as Marshall Langman's secret husband.