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    Technically, it should end with Eli as emperor of the world.

    No, "My Virginity" is the championship match of a very specific sports league. But whatever matter the outcome, nobody wins.

    So, is this season going to end with Eli Gold going all Inglorious Basterds and destroying everyone's lives, including his career, in the process?

    If we end up getting a President Charles Barkley and Vice President Price administration out of this SNL debacle, I'm ok with it.

    Aziz's acting was always one of the really awful things for me in Parks & Rec. 85-90%, Ansari's acting was fine when he was just being normal Tom, but the remaining 10-15% would be when he would play "Super Cool Tom", which I thought was funny when it first aired, but after watching reruns on Netflix, is so

    Fred Willard playing an Indian immigrant would be one of my favorite things ever in television.

    Yeah, the funny thing is that when she blew up in popularity over the past few years, I remembered her 10 years ago for her small bit of fame from Six Feet Under, and there were no wigs or face masks. Just her normal ol' face.
    When she became so famous recently, I was actually shocked because I had no idea who it was,

    Hot take alert!

    Mel Gibson and Ronald Reagan are eskimo brothers?!!

    I think that should be his opening monologue!

    This AV Club post was sponsored by the word "incredibly".

    Oh for fuck's sake.

    Wait, I can program my penis button to change video game difficulties? I had no idea!!

    I've tried that before.

    Jesus this season has been phenomenal. I wasn't necessarily worried about whether this 2nd season would be good, but I just couldn't see how they could top the first season - but they have, and more.
    Noah Hawley has gotten to the point where he's no longer just creating mere tributes to the Coen brothers, but work

    I have one too. The surgery was quite expensive - since insurance didn't want to cover a penile button install - but it was definitely worth it.

    Maybe the good wife can go all Downton Abbey, and have his car veer off a cliff. Wait… did Downton Abbey rip off Billy Madison?

    Howard is an asshole, and I wish the show would just move on from him. The idea of him being a warm body that practically steals millions a year, while being an albatross is perfectly appropriate, considering that his character is exactly that on the show, plot-wise.

    That answer is acceptable, along with "Wait, you're using the internet for something other than porn? Automatic A!"

    You're not the only one, friend - I enjoyed the hell out of it.